
2014-04-11 6:55 pm
1. the world is full of people making a good living but poor lives.
2. Death is not a period, but a comma, in the story of life.

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2014-04-11 11:04 pm
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The world is full of people making a good living but poor lives.

Death is not a period, but a comma, in the story of life.
2014-04-11 8:13 pm
1. 世上大多數的人都過著物質優渥、心靈卻感到貧乏的生活。
2. 在人生故事中,死亡不是個句點,而是個逗點。
參考: ME
2014-04-11 7:20 pm
1. 這世界上太多人在努力在壞的生活品質過好日子

2. 在生命的故事裡,死亡不是句點而是逗點.
參考: ~self~

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