《評論》《評論》呢句兩個was 連埋一齊,文法啱唔啱?

2014-04-05 9:58 am

回答 (4)

2014-12-18 12:27 am
Garlic2011 should not have expected garlic 2010 the shameless bastard
to know how to use idiomatic expressions.

What garlic2010 can do is modify dictionary example sentences.

2014-12-17 16:28:45 補充:
LMFAO @ The small table on which a vase full of roses was was in the hall.

What a brainless critter!
2014-06-22 7:28 am
粉腸 ginger2011, are you jerking off by yourself here?
2014-04-06 8:14 am
In general, an expletive construction begins with the empty word "there" or "it". In an expletive construction, the word "there" or "it" is not functioning as a pronoun.

2014-04-06 00:58:14 補充:
Using prepositional phrase as an adjective, in most cases if not all, has the same function of using relative (adjectival) clause. Again, one must use the definite article.
Which small table?
The small table with a vase full of roses on it was in the hall.

2014-04-06 03:21:40 補充:
We commonly use dummy subject construction (there + be) if we want to refer to the existence of something or presence of something (eg. a small table) in a particular place (eg. in the hall) or time.

There was a small table in the hall.
There was a vase full of roses on the small table.

2014-04-06 03:50:27 補充:
Two ways of saying what was present:

(1) There was a small table in the hall and there was a vase full of roses on the small table.

(2) There was a vase full of roses on a small table in the hall.
= In the hall, there was a vase full of roses on a small table.
2014-04-06 1:02 am
ginger2011, do you mean 'explicit' and not 'expletive' construction?

2014-04-05 17:04:24 補充:
The sentence written by the original thread poster was very odd indeed. I believe he wrote such a sentence solely for the sake of asking the question. The sentence should be rewritten in a better way.

2014-04-05 17:08:49 補充:
A small table with a vase full of roses (on it) was in the hall.
'on it' is deliberately left out as it should be understood.
This retains 'a small table' as the subject of the sentence and correctly uses the indefinite article 'a'.

2014-04-05 17:10:58 補充:
Using an indefinite article together with a defining clause is, in most cases, not appropriate but I am not sure if it is wrong.

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