unfinished block點解?

2014-04-01 2:18 am
unfinished block點解?

live from hand to mouth in a two-bedroom home in an unfinished block

回答 (7)

2014-04-01 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
unfinished (adj.) 未完成的

block (n.) 大樓

unfinished block (在這句的意思應該是可能是指 1. 未供完的單位或者 2. 是該大樓還是未完工,我想要看上文下理才能理解)




My blog

2014-03-31 18:54:49 補充:
live from hand to mouth in a two-bedroom home in an unfinished block



Live from hand to mouth



2014-03-31 18:57:58 補充:

2014-04-01 18:53:48 補充:
感謝 意I思A ( 知識長 ) 賜教。感恩。

live from hand to mouth in a two-bedroom home in an unfinished block

2014-04-26 4:43 am
回答者: garlic2010 ( 博士級 1 級 and 意見者: ginger2011 ( 大學級 1 級 = belong to the same moron!

Shame on you!

Your answers must always be correct then.
2014-04-07 8:22 pm
unfinished apartment block
應該是解沒有修飾的公寓大樓,沒有灰泥、油漆等 ... (answer 3 is correct)

There are quite a lot of houses in Canada/USA with unfinished basements (地庫). It doesn't mean they are 未建完的 but rather "not fully renovated".

2014-04-07 12:35:16 補充:
“unfinished” does not refer to the process of finishing construction of the basement — the basement has been completely built. It has not been finished in the sense that the floor is typically bare concrete, the walls may be concrete block or brick, and the ceiling may have exposed pipes or wiring.
2014-04-05 3:24 pm
I won't say the answer is conclusive.

Block can also means a city block:


The exact meaning depends the context of the sentence.
2014-04-01 9:43 am
unfinished block 的在句中的意思不可能是未完成的樓宇。

以下是與 finished/finish 有關的句子:
The table is finished with a clear lacquer.
The table has a lacquered finish.

In Ikea, an unfinished item is one without paint or oil.

unfinished block 應該是解沒有修飾的樓宇,沒有灰泥、油漆等,也可以理解為日久失修。

2014-04-01 01:47:06 補充:
live from hand to mouth: 餐揾餐清,冇得剩
2014-04-01 3:08 am
not completed 未竟的﹐未完成...
LARGE BUILDING 大樓◄ a large building divided into separate parts

參考: yahoo dictionary, google trans
2014-04-01 2:59 am
an unfinished block未建完的一座樓

from hand to mouth(idiom)僅足餬口
live in a two-bedroom home住在兩房的家

"live from hand to mouth in a two-bedroom home in an unfinished block"

2014-04-01 16:59:24 補充:
See https://www.flickr.com/photos/dfid/11173940763/ for an example of unfinished block (未建完的一座樓).
... some families are renting apartments like this. Conditions are still basic though, as the buildings are unfinished and unfurnished..

2014-04-01 17:02:24 補充:
Translating "unfinished block" to 未供完的單位 is interestingly imaginative but it is wrong.

2014-04-01 17:12:34 補充:
說unfinished block 在香港不可能是未完成的樓宇,可以理解。但在戰亂貧窮地方,住得起未完工樓宇的竟已是較有錢的家庭!

2014-04-05 17:02:02 補充:
I agree with Gary that the unfinished block can be a city block 街區. http://tw.websaru.com/%E8%A1%97%E5%8D%80.html

2014-04-05 17:08:44 補充:
an unfinished (apartment/city) block未建完的一座樓/一個街區
from hand to mouth(idiom)僅足餬口
live in a two-bedroom home住在兩房的家

"live from hand to mouth in a two-bedroom home in an unfinished block"
翻譯:住在一 座/個 未建完的 樓/區 內兩房之家,生活僅足餬口。

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