英文填充題 HELP me!!please!!

2014-03-25 7:15 am
In (1) of the findings stated above, it can be concluded that both of the shortlisted tablets are suitable for use in a residence for the elderly and would meet user and carer (2), as outlined in the brief.
It is important to (3), however, the specific needs of elderly users when choosing the best tablet for use in sheltered residences. Apart from the main criteria of cost, warranty and durability, user-friendliness (4) be seen as being an additional key requirement to be taken (5) account. Both the HandyTab and the iSlate score highly in this area, as well as having (6) performance characteristics. The HandyTab is marginally lighter and faster, (7), it is also more expensive.
(8) of the conclusions above, the following recommendations can be made. After taking both tablets into (8), it can be said that the HandyTab is the most suitable for the use specified in the brief. This is due to its size, durability, performance and user-friendliness, which can be seen as justifying its greater expense. (10), I would recommend the HandyTab tablet for use in residences for the elderly.

回答 (3)

2014-03-25 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. view
2. needs
3. consider
4. can
5. into
6. superior
7. but
8. Based
9. consideration
10. Therefore

2014-03-26 17:29:23 補充:
睇一睇第 7 同第 8 條,我真係睇漏咗個 comma 同將 of 睇錯咗做 on,非常感謝兩位大大哦。

2014-03-26 9:43 am
7. however

'but' is not followed by a comma.
2014-03-25 11:43 pm
(8) Base on (not of) the conclusions above...

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