
2014-03-17 10:03 pm
我係早上十點丟左Mary封信,我妹妹睇住我係十點丟Mary封信,咁我係十點零分零一秒向我妹妹講"I have thrown out Mary's letter." 有無問題。我知道現在完成式唔會講明個個動幾時做既。

補充:我個妹知道我係十點丟左Mary 封信,佢知道確實時間,咁用現在完成式都無問題。

回答 (3)

2014-03-17 10:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Basically, your sentence has found nothing wrong. However, it would be better if you use "JUST" to modify your sentence.

I have JUST thrown away the letter from Mary.
參考: Myself
2014-03-18 4:47 pm
(1)The Present Perfect Tense indicates an action took place in the past,is associated with the present idea of now, eg:-I have thrown away Mary's letter. (Up to Now)
(2)The present Perfect Tense is used for an action just concluded when the resulting state is still present, eg:-
I have thrown away Mary's letter ; I am unable to read it anymore.
(3)With activities completed in the immediate past (00:01 sec.)just is often used, eg:-The letter has just thrown.
Note though just is an adverbial of the present, just now (= a little time ago) is an adverbial of the past and the verb used with it will be a Past Tense, eg:-Mary's letter threw away just now.(by me)
(4)For duration of an action or of absence of an action begun in the past and continuing to the present and possibly to the future,eg:-I have thrown away Mary's letter for (00:01 sec).
Compare this with;-
I threw away Mary's letter (and no longer need it).
2014-03-18 8:07 am

2014-03-18 00:12:01 補充:

2014-03-21 02:03:06 補充:

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