1) in this discussion we will define it as any society activity in which your romantic interest is focused on one person...
用in which係唔係因為your romantic interest同前面既society activity既主語重複左?
2) …cause you to learn the hard way the wisdom of…
點解唔係the hard way of the wisdom of...
3) and it come as no surprise that…點解唔係come with?
4) Wow! Was I surprised at how fast she got serious.
點解唔係I was surprised at…?
5) I think that dating is to find out if this other person is really…
可以用that person嗎?
可以就咁this person嗎?咁樣唔係已經表明”那個人”咩?other好似有D多餘?
6) i don’t think you should date boys just as a rehearsal for when someone you really
點解唔可以for someone? 個when加尼做咩?
7) the person who struggling with same sex desires is presented with a reachable goal…
8) in the past he may have freely given in to fits of anger.
He唔係用has咩? 點解唔係….freely given to fit of anger ?
要個in尼做咩? To後面既字唔係不變咩?做咩個fits會多左個s?
9) he will never again feel anger welling up inside him?
How can you keep from getting involved in homosexual practices ?
Keep away from唔係合理D咩? 仲有practices係度可以解做行為?
唔好意思,介唔介意講你學歷去到幾高? 我想有D信心保證,請唔好介懷 我email: [email protected] 1)但我都聽人地講過話係為左唔好俾前後主語重複? 咁即係點? 第2,3題完整句子 email俾你: 第2題可以再解釋得清楚D嗎? 唔明你想講咩... 第8題前面我明白了,但( fits --> (n) refers to 突然發病, 突然生氣 )就唔明咩意思,examples? 仲有第10題 **謝謝你的耐心解答**