有關英文grammar 的問題

2014-03-16 1:10 am
I got information on the Hong Kong Central Library from the library on 1st March 2014. The information is at my frined's home. I will give the information to you tomorrow.

以上是我同Mary 既對話,想問問大家句子grammar 有無問題。

回答 (8)

2014-03-16 1:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
I got 'the' information 'in' Hong Kong Central Library on 1st March 2014. The information 'was come from my friend's' at his/her house . I will give the information to you tomorrow.

2014-03-17 5:21 am
有關英文grammar 的問題I got information of the Hong Kong Central Library from the library on 1st March 2014. The information is at my friend's home. I will give the information to you tomorrow

三月一日我在圖書館取得香港中央圖書館的資料o 資料放在朋友家中,所以明天才可以給你o
2014-03-17 1:13 am
My suggestion:
I will give the information to you tomorrow.
=> I will bring it back tomorrow.

I got information on the Hong Kong Central Library from the library on 1st March 2014.
=> I got information in the Hong Kong Central Library on 1st March 2014.
2014-03-16 8:03 am
Error and Corrections on Grammar:-
I said to Mary,"---"
I got information "on the Hong Kong Central Library " (quotation marks are used to enclose direct statement)
from the library
on 1st March 2014.
The INFO is (placed) at my friends's (spelling not frined's) home,(comma)
and (conjunction to introduce a consequence ) shall/will
give it (pronoun word used to represent noun INFO) to you tomorrow.
2014-03-16 7:34 am
條友目的都係想問 tense.
2014-03-16 4:59 am
這樣 rephrase 過, 避免其他的人誤解
Just a suggestion.

I got the information concerning the Hong Kong Central Library from my local library on 1st March, 2014.
2014-03-16 2:55 am
除咗串字串錯咗 (frined -> friend) 之外,你依句用法同文法冇任何錯

大概樓上兩位應該忽視咗 information on the Hong Kong Central Library 係指「香港中央圖書館的資料」
2014-03-16 1:33 am
I got information on ←改成(in) the Hong Kong Central Library from the library on 1st March 2014. The information is←改成(was) at my frined's home. I will give the information to you tomorrow.

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