
2013-12-24 6:26 am
阿Mary 係今朝早八點半俾左十部車叫我(Steven) 一個星期之內修理好。咁我係早上九點開始修理lee 十部車,我修理完三部車,休息十分鐘,十分鐘後我修理第四部車,當修理緊第四部車個陣,我個朋友講"Steven has been
repairing cars." 想問問大家我朋友係個陣咁樣講有無錯。

回答 (3)

2013-12-24 8:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Has" is used to form the Perfect Tenses, eg:-
He has finished repairing (gerund) 3 cars. Has he finished his 10 mins. break?
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense:-
The present participle;
Express the duration of an action up to the present time.
The action is still continuing at the moment of speaking.
May continue into the future,eg:-
Steven has been repairing 3 cars plus 10 mins. break for 1 1/2 hrs.(and is still repairing.)
Or ---------since 09:00.
This tense, and the other Perfect Continuous Tenses, are particularly associated with the words "for" and "since".and is correct.
2013-12-25 8:47 am
Steven has been repairing cars for a period of time. If you just said "Steven has been repairing cars." that will be a fragmented sentence. You have to state how long after he has been doing this activity and connect them together with the preposition "for." For example, Steven has been repairing cars for three hours.
2013-12-25 2:02 am

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