
2013-12-22 7:42 pm
I visited Shenzhen yesterday. I took a train to Lo Wu. After the inspection of Hong Kong and China immgration officers, I took a MTR train to Shenzhen Book City. The book store was large. There were different kinds of books in the book store. I paid $100 for three books. Then I had lunch in a canteen in the book store. I ordered four dishes. They were very tasty.

問下大家以上篇文既tenses 岩唔岩。The book store was large 宜家間book store 係好大,咁用past tense 得唔得。

回答 (4)

2013-12-23 7:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果只是講tense的時態的話,past tense作為記述事件或講經歷是正確,句子的層次(發展)亦清晰。

唯一有問題的是I took a MTR train to...中的a應該改為the,因為MTR是一樣確定的東西,而不是一樣任何叫mtr的東西,所以當你說I took a train時(第二句)是文法上對的,表達意思的重點並不是那一品牌的train...但當你寫明mtr時便要配合用the這確定的article了,因為詞義上a mtr train是不太合理的意思(或可以說沒甚麼意義)=我搭乘任何一列叫mtr的列車,而不是搭乘了一列mtr公司/名稱的列車。

因此為求表達你意思是我搭乘的是mtr這公司的列車...而不是指任何一列叫mtr的列車,我認為應該是寫成the MTR train.
2014-01-08 11:24 am
2013-12-25 1:59 am
2013-12-23 2:47 am
The past tenses of a verb are the ones used to talk about things that happened at some time before the present. In English, the simple past tense uses the past form of a verb,which for regular verbs ends in "-ed' as in They visited Shenzhen yesterday.
Past perfect tense uses two past,one before the other.
eg:-When I paid an amount of $100:00 for 3 different kinds of books to bk store,I give it to it because I am buying something from it, or because I owe it to it.When I paid $100:00 as a bill, I paid the amount that I owe to Hong Kong,which is far better! If the bks help me, I'll pay it nothing because I can find them in HK !
The past tense is the time before the present, and the things that have happened.
Keep up your good work !

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