有關句子既tense 問題

2013-12-22 5:18 am
I went to ABC School to do my homework yesterday. I arrived at the school at
9:30am. The school was composed of two tall buildings. There were five floors in the school. Then I did my homework in Room 206.

小弟想問問大家以上段野既tenses 岩唔岩。The school was composed of
two tall buildings. lee 句用past tense 得岩得,間學校宜家由兩座高樓所組成。

回答 (3)

2013-12-24 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
我覺得最好係用The school is composed of two tall buildings.因為間學校宜家仲係由兩座高樓所組成,如果用past tense姐係間學校以前係由兩座高樓所組成但宜家唔係.
同埋講完間學校既建築係點,下一句唔應該再講番自己係點,一係你直接加係頭果句I went to ABC School to do my homework in Room 206 yesterday.
參考: me
2013-12-28 5:16 am
The school consists of two tall buildings ??
2013-12-25 2:01 am

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