2013-12-18 4:11 pm
我睇文章見到咁既組合 但唔明有咩意思同點樣用法

EXAMPLE: citing a case in which a woman snatched a phone from a pervert.


limits the uses to which land can be put



The ad may have been fake, but what of the actual car in the photos and its owner? 呢度what之後加of 又係點解?

回答 (2)

2013-12-18 11:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實呢個係 relative clause。

for example, The girl who wears the glasses is my girlfriend.
意指: 戴著眼鏡的女仔係我的女朋友。
原本句子: The girl wears the glasses. She is my girlfriend.

relative clause, (我認為), 其實係將兩個句子變成一個句子。面其中一句其實係用來形容個 subject。用我個 example 為例, wears the glasses 係形容個女仔嘅特徵,主要,我想講嘅係佢係我女朋友。所以 wears the glasses 即係補充 information。

而你所見到嘅 3 句,其實都係一樣,只不過我哋睇唔慣,因為將兩句變一句嘅原因,有時個拆句會有啲詞語會跟一個 preposition, 如果想作文唔好太單調,或者你想強調個樣野嘅重要性,就會拆開。

1) citing a case in which a woman snatched a phone from a pervert.
原句: In citing a case, a woman snatched a phone from a pervert.

2) limits the uses to which land can be put
原句: The land can be put to limit the uses. <- 兩個 verbs, 用 "to" 隔開 -> to-infinitive.

3) The ad may have been fake, but what of the actual car in the photos and its owner?
what of <-- 如何, 又點嘅意思。
呢句,我唔太肯定,因為係只係卑一句我,我要判斷下佢個真正解釋,但呢句應該同 relative clause 冇關,純粹係真係 what of 嘅用法。
for instance, Today?But what of yesterday?--> 今天嗎?昨天又如何呢?

我估應該係咁解,hope I can help you.
2013-12-25 1:55 am
唔得閒答,不過 Jo 的答案(1), (2) 錯晒。

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