
2013-11-27 5:06 am
Since 2014 countdown will be end less than 1.5 month, we need to prepare the year-end report.

回答 (6)

2013-11-29 12:23 am
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Since 2013 will be ended in less than 45 days, we need to prepare our year-end report.

Since 2014 is coming in less than 45 days, we need to prepare our year-end report.
2013-11-30 5:42 pm
"發問者自選" is simple but wrong.
2013-11-27 3:38 pm
需要? 須要? Should?

處理? 還是準備?

Since 2014 is only a month or so away, we should start preparing year-end reports.
2013-11-27 12:34 pm
2013 year-end report being started as there is only more or less a month
left over.
2013-11-27 11:11 am
2013 快結束不是 2014 countdown,而是 countdown to 2014,也不是ending 而是 approaching,甚至已經開始了。


As it is just over a month until the end of 2013, we need to start preparing the year-end report.

2013-11-27 10:18:17 補充:
countdown 有兩種意思,1) 逐秒、逐天倒數,2)某重要事情發生前的一段時期。
2013-11-27 10:36 am

首先,雖然我明白你 2014 countdown will be end 的意思,而的確這亦可解作 2013 年完結,不過你這樣說有點奇怪,而且不停下來想一想就會不明你說什麼了。

第二,文法有問題啦,是 2014 countdown will be end[ing] [in] less than 1.5 [months]

另外,有些地方雖然看起來沒問題,但有點詞不達意,如:we need to prepare the year-end report,這句是指「我們需要著手處理年底報告」,沒有了「開始」的意思。

所以,我會寫成:Since 2013 will be ending in less than 1.5 months, we need to start preparing/handling the year-end report. ,這樣比較清楚。

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