was received approval 點解?

2013-11-22 5:25 am

The decision was received approval from the committee. 英文點解

點解The decision 可以被 received approval

它原Active voice 時怎樣的?


回答 (4)

2013-11-22 10:47 am
✔ 最佳答案

The decision was received with approval by the committee. (passive voice)

The decision has received approval from the committee. (active voice)

2013-11-22 12:31:46 補充:
點解 decision 死物可收到准許?

死物可以 receive abstract object 的,但實物(physical object) 就不能。

Her latest novel has received acclaim from the book critics.

2013-11-22 12:34:35 補充:
The decision was received with approval by the committee.

received 在句中的意思接近 accepted (接納),而不是收到。
2013-11-22 2:12 pm
The decision received approval from the committee.
2013-11-22 12:27 pm
It should be:
The committee had received approval for the decision.

Active voice:
The committee approves the decision.

Other examples:
The project had been rejected by the management due to budget reasons.
The classes had been cancelled because of the lack of student participation.
2013-11-22 5:39 am
點解﹖因為有was,但係可以簡單一點,the decision is approved by the committee。

active 可以寫成,the committe approved our decision。

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 16:15:12
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