Is my boyfriend trying to get me pregnant...?

2013-11-20 12:00 pm
Me and my bf have been dating a while. We've been using the pull out method (no lectures needed, thank you). I mentioned getting back on birth control and he was against that, saying it's not natural. I know he wants to be a dad one day, he loves children and that thrills me because I'd also like a family. But lately he's been saying "oh sh*t... I finished in you" jokingly, he's never actually done it. And the first time he said that, I was like "wait what?!" And his response was "what, you don't want to have a baby with me?" he's said it a couple of times. Last night I asked him why he says that and he says he'd like to see my reaction. He knows I'm against abortion and I believe he is as well. I wouldn't mind if I got pregnant but I don't think he knows that. Does it sound like maybe he's trying to see whether I'm ready for it or not? Idk he could be joking I guess... Let me know what you think and if I should talk to him more about it

回答 (4)

2013-11-20 12:01 pm
uh...I'd start the pill tomorrow unless you plan on getting pregnant.

This guy couldn't be more clear about where he's at.
2013-11-20 12:06 pm
I do think he wants a baby but he's scared to tell you how he really feels, you both really need to be open with each other tell him how you feel if you don't want a baby get on the pill
2013-11-20 12:47 pm
This is creepy. Yes, he's trying to get you pregnant, and it is not in one of those mature, "let's talk about and plan having a baby together since we're both ready". It's one of those, "I'm going to act like a dumb*ss and say whoops so that I can get you pregnant and trap you with me forever" kinds of creepy.

If you're not ready for a baby, you have control over this situation. You have the power to get on birth control (this is NOT his decision) or you have the power to refuse to allow his penis in your vagina. Simple as that. But don't be surprised when Mr. Right Now gets his baby wish and decides that a tied down life isn't what it's cracked up to be, and moves on to the next baby mama.
2013-11-20 12:08 pm
Sure sounds like it! That would almost be insulting to me. He may think having a child would be great but who's carrying it INSIDE their body for the better part of year? Not him! I'd have a talk with him. Sounds like his 'humor' is stressing you out and that's also pretty insulting and hurtful. Maybe you would like to have his baby someday but NOT NOW. Tell him that. Good luck :-)
2013-11-20 12:05 pm
Since the pull out "method" is no method at all there is no reason to even bother answering your question. You are going to get pregnant soon enough anyway.
2016-05-21 3:20 am
If you want a boyfriend so bad, then I highly recommend following this Since you've never dated or been kissed before, it's going to be hard to get a boyfriend if you don't know what to do but once you know what to do, you'll be able to get a boyfriend pretty easily and can share your dating stories with your friends and experience those feelings yourself. You'll even be able to attract guys you might feel is out of your league. I suggest going on a bunch of dates before choosing one guy to be your boyfriend. Have fun.
2015-08-19 5:53 am
This Site Might Help You.

Is my boyfriend trying to get me pregnant...?
Me and my bf have been dating a while. We've been using the pull out method (no lectures needed, thank you). I mentioned getting back on birth control and he was against that, saying it's not natural. I know he wants to be a dad one day, he loves children and that thrills me because I'd...
參考: boyfriend pregnant:
2013-11-20 12:16 pm
No one's forcing you to have unprotected sex (which is what pull-out is). And you "don't want any lectures" - so not sure how we can help, really.

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