
2013-10-30 4:20 am
What he has done has attracted appreciative comments?

回答 (8)

2013-10-30 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
What he has done 這子句全句用作名詞。譬如 The boy has attracted...,這句中 the boy 是整句的 subject,同樣 What he has done (他所做的事)也是你的那句的 subject。

有時名詞可以是一個字,但比較複雜的可以是一個子句 (clause) 或片語 (phrase),整個子句當作一個名詞來用。所以兩個 has 各自在不同的句子裡。
2013-11-03 4:57 pm
"What he has done has attracted appreciative comments" is a statement, not a question.
Sentence pattern: subject + verb + object
What he has done - Subject. (noun clause)
has attracted - Verb (present perfect )
appreciative comments - Object (noun phrase)

2013-11-03 09:05:21 補充:
There are four sentence types:~ a statement, a question, an imperative and an exclamation.
Since it is a statement, there is no question mark at the end of the sentence. A full stop (period) is used instead..
2013-10-31 12:31 am
"What he has done has attracted appreciative comments" is not a question.
"What he has done has attracted appreciative comments." is a sentence. Its structure is like "A has attracted B." in which A=what he has done, and B = appreciative comments.
2013-10-30 11:24 am
The correct sentence should be:
What had he done to attract appreciative comments?
It's the past perfect tense in a questionable form.

2013-10-30 03:25:43 補充:
Since you are asking a question, the word "had" should come before the person "he."
2013-10-30 9:11 am
Everything LAMLAM said was nonsense.

2013-10-30 01:17:33 補充:
'In 2003 Dr.Tse Yuen Ying tried to save a lot of SARS patients,has attracted appreciative comments.' - a run-on sentence by TOMINGBB.

The sentence should be
That Dr.Tse Yuen Ying tried to save a lot of SARS patients has attracted appreciative comments.
2013-10-30 5:48 am
(1)What he has done----->subject,Noun clause as a clause;contains a finite verb, part of a sentence; independent of the main clause; called a coordinate clause.

(2)has attracted appreciative comments------->a main clause; in present perfect tense ; appreciative=expressive, recognitive.adj.
eg:-In 2003 Dr.Tse Yuen Ying tried to save a lot of SARS patients,has attracted appreciative comments.
Each of the "has" as an auxiliary verb appears in different clauses in the part of a sentence.
2013-10-30 5:00 am
What he has done has attracted appreciative comments?


(The thing that he has done) has attracted appreciative comments?
2013-10-30 4:55 am
What he has done that he has attracted appreciative comments?


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