Tell me everything!!!?

2013-10-21 8:09 am
Who am I? Who's my best match( soulmate). Just tell me everything.

Sun pisces
Moon scorpio
Rising scorpio
Venus pisces

回答 (3)

2013-10-21 8:11 am
I think you'd know that better than I would. You've known yourself all your life. All I know is your birthday, and a bunch of meaningless gibberish that basically boils down to just your birthday again.
2013-10-21 8:11 am
It all boils down to the fact that astrology is a bunch of made up nonsense and has absolutely no bases in reality.
2013-10-21 8:58 am
Pisces sun - The sun is your soul more or less. It's one of the most important aspects in astrology and the most well-known. It's the core self. This placement makes you potentially dreamy, imaginative, probably creative/artistic, emotional, wishy washy and idealistic. You generally do everything not to hurt people's feelings and you are the type to cry at the drop of a hat whether it's due to a sad movie or someone saying something to you that hurt your feelings.
Scorpio moon - The moon deals with your emotions and your inner world. Scorpio in this placement will make you intense as hell, you'll possess powerful (sometimes overwhelming) emotions and possibly make you compassionate. You actually might have a tendency to hold in your emotions too. Not completely surprising though because Scorpio is all about control.
Scorpio rising - the rising is the face you show the world on first impressions. People are bound to think you are a Scorpio sun because you probably have an intense stare, a powerful, magnetic presence and you probably come off as highly emotional.
Pisces venus - Venus is how you act in romantic relationships and how you treat others in everyday interactions. Venus is also the planet of materialistic things and it's how you seek pleasure. A Pisces venus is probably holds very idealistic thoughts about their lovers, you are probably very compassionate and understanding, able to put yourself in just about anyone's shoes but like Neptune square Venus (Neptune is Pisces' ruling planet) you can see a lover in too good of a light -- even if they don't always live up to certain standards in reality. Basically, you see what you want to see (which is generally the good in someone).

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:02:53
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