"wr are drivers too" 怎麼譯好呢?

2013-08-29 7:33 pm
ESSO 的廣告語 "we are drivers too" 怎麼譯呢?
Drivers 是一個雙關詞,既指推進劑,又指司機。按理在中文是很難找到對應詞語。應該怎麼翻譯好呢?

回答 (3)

2013-08-29 9:31 pm
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"We are drivers too" - Chinese translation

You are right, "drivers' has more than one meaning.
The meanings of driver that are relevant to ESSO as a fuel provider to motor car users include:
a person in a position of control駕禦者
a person who drives a vehicle駕便者
something that creates and fuels activity推進劑
ESSO's ad may also imply that they are a controlling player in the fuel industry.

把ESSO廣告內'drivers'的3個意思都包含來譯,"We are drivers too"這樣翻如何;

2013-08-29 13:33:34 補充:
a person who drives a vehicle駕便者---->a person who drives a vehicle駕駛者

2013-08-29 16:23:21 補充:
開車是開動車的引擎start the engine、駛車drive the car;不過似乎沒有推進的意思。
(People drive their petrol cars. )We are drivers too.

2013-08-29 16:30:44 補充:

2013-08-29 17:39:44 補充:
2013-09-05 10:22 am
Esso's drive = 推動、推進 = move things forward
We are drivers = We are moving things forward.
2013-08-29 10:30 pm
意思A: 這樣譯固然是譯出所有意思來,但就喪失了英文原句緊湊,雙關的特點了。

2013-08-29 17:18:33 補充:
意思A; 呵呵,「都是」其實就是"too"的意思。

2013-08-30 11:28:50 補充:

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