
2013-08-15 12:11 am


1. 自律守規

2. 關愛有禮

3. 有關教導學生自律守規的故事

回答 (7)

2013-08-24 11:54 pm

1. 自律守規 Be self-disciplined and rule-following.

2. 關愛有禮 Be caring and courteous.

3. 有關教導學生自律守規的故事 Social stories with teaching on self-discipline and following rules

2013-08-24 16:00:11 補充:
3. 有關教導學生自律守規的故事 Social stories teaching students on self-discipline and following rules
2013-08-24 11:27 am
1. 自律守規
2. 關愛有禮
Extended love and politeness.
3. 有關教導學生自律守規的故事
The story concerns about make students how to behave well with self-discipline.

2013-08-24 03:32:45 補充:
Amendment:The story concerns about making....................
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation ”published by Hongkong Oxford University Press in 1975
2013-08-15 6:21 pm
1. 自律守規
Self-discipline and conform to rules [你這中文四字詞其實內含兩組意思…自律(self-discipline)無論中英語的含意是管理自己像守時/收拾清潔/工作時工作遊戲時遊戲/有交帶/尊重別人等;守規(rules/regulations)是指遵守外在環境/社會設定的規範,兩者集合一齊在英語中沒有一個/一組綜合用詞或諺語。

2. 關愛有禮
Caring and courteous[同上的情況,四字詞包含兩組不同的意思,英語文化中這四字詞意思可說是Be a good neighbor]

3. 有關教導學生自律守規的故事 Tales that can educate students self-discipline and conform to rules.
2013-08-15 1:21 am
1. Be self-disciplined and do not step over the line.

2. Be caring and courteous.

3. Stories instilling a sense of self-discipline in students

I. step over the line 是一個 idiom,即「做出越界(違規)的行為」,故第一句整句可理解成:「請自律,和不要做出做出越界行為」

II. instill 的意思是「灌輸」

參考: 自己
2013-08-15 12:40 am
3. story that has a moral lesson on discipline.
2013-08-15 12:26 am
Caring and courteous
Teach students about the story of self-discipline
2013-08-15 12:23 am
1. self-discipline
2. being caring and courteous
3. stories that can teach the students of self-discipline
參考: me :]

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