
2013-08-11 2:33 am
Story told glorified a madman's tale,as if he is acting brave.
實在不太懂,如果可以的話能說出這句句子的subject object 和verb是什麼嗎?

回答 (6)

2013-08-15 6:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Story told glorified a madman's tale,as if he is acting brave.
Subject : he(a madman)
Verb: is
Phrase: story told glorified.a madman's tale.
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation published by Oxford University Press in 1975
2013-08-14 12:22 am
2013-08-12 10:37 pm
subject object madman
verb acting
參考: google翻譯
2013-08-11 7:11 pm
The article 'the' should precede 'story told'.
The story told glorified a madman's tale.
2013-08-11 3:57 am
句子的 subject verb 和 object是Story told glorified 和 a madman's tale。

Story told glorified a madman's tale, as if he is acting brave.的翻譯:
說的故事褒揚了一個瘋子的謊言, 彷彿他行事勇敢。

2013-08-11 05:27:28 補充:
Answerer001 has gone off on a tangent in thinking that 'Story' is the name of a person and hence the subject. It is equally incredible to think that 'glorified' refers to an object person.

2013-08-11 11:24:45 補充:
garlic2010's意見 is correct. The sentence should preferably be "The story told glorified a madman's tale, as if he is acting brave."
"Story told glorified a madman's tale" can be used correctly as a heading of a news item, for example.

2013-08-29 05:39:00 補充:
2013-08-11 3:10 am
Story 向那被榮耀的人訴說一個瘋子的故事,顯得自己好像表現得很勇敢。

1. Story 應該是姓氏
2. 過去分詞可作名詞用。例如這裡的 glorified 動詞 glorify(讚譽/榮耀) 的過去分詞,可作名詞表示「被讚譽/榮耀的人或物」,不過一般會在前面加 the(即 the glorified)
3. 一般來說,跟「被讚譽/榮耀的人或物」說話會緊張吧,還要無厘頭講瘋子的故事,這是需要很大的勇氣,所以 Story 這樣做可顯示他很勇敢。
4. Subject 是 Story、Direct Object 是 a madman's tale、Indirect Object 是 glorified、Verb 是 told

參考: 自己

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