am i an atheist if i dont believe in god or heaven ?

2013-08-07 8:05 pm
because there is no such thing its all made up crap

回答 (21)

2013-08-07 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hello Mark,

It's a free country and you are definitely entitled to have your opinion and believe in God and Heaven or not, that is your right in a democratic country.

There are 1000s of people who will probably agree with you but equally 1000s who will not.

That is their opinions which they are also entitled to.

2013-08-08 3:06 am
As long as the number of gods you believe in is zero, you're an atheist.
2013-08-08 3:06 am
That is all it takes - No belief in any gods. Nothing more. Nothing less. So simple you would think there wouldn't be any confusion about it.
2013-08-08 3:07 am
> am i an atheist if i dont believe in god or heaven ?

Well, if by "god" you specifically mean the Judeo-Christian "God" or some other individual "god," then no. There are still a few gazillion other fairy tale deities you must also not believe in.

On the other hand, if by "god" you mean just a catch-all term for "all that supernatural BS about Sky Daddies" -- then yes.
參考: I am an atheist; i.e., a modern man.
2013-08-08 3:08 am
If you reject all gods/God equally, yes. Otherwise, the minute you're open to one you are whatever belief system falls under that one. If you're unsure about all of them being non-existent then you are agnostic instead.
2013-08-08 3:29 am
I think that your statement is correct as worded. Reason. Have you ever heard another person say that they believe in gods? Yes, there is a Christian god and one for Islam as well. Both are the same to me, just something planted into the brains of weaker minded persons.

Furthermore, an atheist does not believe in a god, no god, and most do not believe in nor associate themselves with a religion, especially one that promotes belief in a god. That is the kind of atheist that I am. Religion is a scam and it is time that the world is taught about this.
參考: the book "Piso Christ". Also I deal with knowing and I have found what I know through years of research.
2013-08-08 3:13 am
NO, god, devil, satan, heaven and hell, toothfairy, santa etc
2013-08-08 3:12 am
Atheist means not a theist. A theist is someone who DOES believe in a God, so therefore an atheist is a person who DOESN'T believe in a God. Therefore, you are an atheist.
2013-08-08 3:09 am
atheist doesn't really mean anything its a word 'invented' because of the society being filled with idiots who believe in that made up crap and the assumptions that everyone must make it clear that you don't.

just as we'd need to invent a word like 'Atarotcardianist' if suddenly everyone believed in tarot card reading very literally and started shaping their lives and of others and the governments and laws according to make it clear that some people don't.
2013-08-08 3:06 am
Yeah sort of. But it never hurts to believe in one or two gods just in case.
2013-08-08 4:48 am
yes you are
2013-08-08 4:08 am
Most likely not I am actually the same xD I don't believe in such I do believe in heaven though but not god i mean think about your favorite thing in the world everywhere OMFG CANDY LAND!!!? Dude heaven exists we just have to make it ourselves.
2013-08-08 3:32 am
I think you are saying is true on one hand. but if walk looking for proof then have to put the facts on trial and see for your self. Example 1 the bible is older then Jesus, there two parts the old and the new testament. the old testament is 2000 years older then Jesus Christ and it talks about jesus before during and after his time on earth. if it was all crap how can you explain all the things he did that filled the prophecy 2the messiah will be born in Bethlehem(micah5:2) 3 messiah will be born of a virgin(Isaiah 7:14) 4 messiah will be rejected by his own people(isaiah 53:1-3) 5 the messiah will be tried and condemned 6 the messiah will die by Crucifixion ( Psalms22:14-17) 7 the messiah enemies will throw dice for his garments (psalms22:18) and on and on and on and on.......... So this was written 2000 years before any of this happen and he did. every single one of them. test the bible for your self do some history on it and be surprise loke I was. it say in the bilble." A man who ask questions is a man who is never lost" So I tell you keep asking and be prepare to get your answer
參考: Jesus and the bible
2013-08-08 3:30 am
Yes, atheism means no gods. It didn't quite mean that in ancient times, but today an atheist is a person who does not believe in gods and the supernatural. You are an atheist. It's made up, but it isn't necessarily just crap. Humans are spiritual beings in many respects, and have an innate need for something other than our physical existence, and gods and religions are the ultimate expression of that. I don't believe in spirits and ghosts, for instance, but you wont catch me walking through a graveyard at night!
2013-08-08 3:05 am
No. Read the dictionary.
2013-08-08 3:19 am

But if that's true, why don't we name for people who don't believe in fairies or goblins or unicorns or whatever.

Not believing in that which cannot be shown to exist and for which there is no reason to exist strikes me as the sensible behaviour of a normal person .... or am I really an a-unicornist or an a-fairyist? I don't mind being called an atheist as it is convenient shorthand but perhaps the distinction should be between theists and normal people, the theists being the odd balls with their way-our beliefs and made up rules.
2013-08-08 3:15 am
Yes you are.....but you must be searching for something !!!

2013-08-08 3:12 am
You're an evil atheist if you're smart enough to know that a sky daddy creating everything 6,000 years ago despite all the scientific proof against it is ridiculous.
2013-08-08 3:11 am
If you don't believe in the biblical god or biblical heaven not necessarily. But, if you don't believe in ANY of the literally tens of thousands of gods mankind has dreamed up over the years, then yes.
2013-08-08 3:09 am
"am I an atheist if I don't believe in god or heaven ?"
It should be "Am I an atheist if I don't believe in God(s) or heaven?"
Anyway, no you're a turtle.
參考: You're an atheist just like most of us.
2013-08-08 3:09 am
Okay. But who forces you to believe in God or Heaven? and why?
2013-08-08 3:08 am
your lost thanks to the devils decievience, thats what you are atm, there is a god, infact he's everything and all around, and there is a dimension for your soul called heaven

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