
2013-06-30 5:31 pm
莫扎特雖然死了,但作曲家的身份不會因死了而改變,他是作曲家是個不爭的事實,就正如水在零度結冰,同樣是不爭的事實,既然如此,可否說是 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a composer. ?

回答 (5)

2013-07-03 6:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your reasoning for using present tense in the Mozart sentence is fallacious. You are correct in saying that Mozart being a composer is an undeniable fact but you fail to make the distinction between a fact and an event that makes up the fact.

Mozart was a composer of the Classical era and this is history. You can never use present tense to tell history. This is what I mean by event. The event happened in the past and past tense is always used. The fact always holds but the event is still in the past.

The bottom line, Mozart was a composer.
2013-07-06 1:51 am
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a composer from Austria. He is considered on of the world's best classical music composer! - See more at: http://www.music-facts.com/mozart-biography.html#sthash.B0bD91o5.dpuf

2013-07-05 17:54:11 補充:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a composer whose work spans the entire breadth of what it is to be human. From ribald ditties to almost ‘pop’ hits of his day to soaring, achingly spiritual works, his music covers everything. ...
See more at http://megaphoneoz.com/?p=5064

2013-07-05 17:59:40 補充:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born to Leopold and Anna Maria Pertl Mozart at 9 Getreidegasse in Salzburg.
During the Classical period composers began to seek beauty through simplicity in music with only one music line. Mozart and Beethoven created their masterpiece

2013-07-05 18:01:36 補充:
Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 in the town of Salzburg, Austria. His full name is Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart. - See more at: http://www.music-facts.com/mozart-biography.html#sthash.6cHPOB1f.dpuf
2013-06-30 8:34 pm

另外,假如你用了 past tense 的話(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a composer),那就會暗示了「莫扎特過去是作曲家,但現在不是」(注意 past tense 只是指事情發生在過去),繼而可能令不知道莫扎特是誰的讀者有所誤解,故此你用 present tense 是適當的。

參考: 自己
2013-06-30 8:28 pm
The fact that he is a composer is a truth. Therefore, present tense is used. You are correct
2013-06-30 5:59 pm
It can be 'Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a composer.' !!!
參考: me

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