
2013-06-05 7:30 pm
He put what little food was left into the pocket of his jacket.?

food後無that 又無which,文法是否有錯?

回答 (6)

2013-06-05 9:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案

整句來說,因為 what little food was left 本身是個 noun phrase,你可把它當成 noun 這樣看。當你用SVO句法分析時,你會發現文法是對的。

問題出在 what little food was left 本身。

它的問題不在於food後無that又無which,而是 what 和 little food 都是指剩下的食物,它們重複了,要删走其中一個:

1. what was hardly left (删走 little food,hardly 用來代替表達 little 的意思。但這樣改的前提是讀者明白 what 是指 food)

2. the little food left (删走what,將它變成普通的 noun)

如此一來,無論用哪種改法,也能不用 which 或 that 而能文法正確地表達了。

1. He put what was hardly left into the pocket of his jacket.
2. He put the little food left into the pocket of his jacket.



2013-06-05 13:56:49 補充:
He put [the] little food which was left into the pocket of his jacket.
參考: 自己
2013-06-08 9:46 am
There is no problem with the sentence.

The word 'that' or 'which' is not omitted; either word should not be there.

He put what was left into the pocket of his jacket.
('what' stands for 'all that' or something that'. 'That' should not repeated.)

He put the little food that was left into the pocket of his jacket.
('that' must be there)

Using what with little food, it becomes the sentence you showed in your question.

He put what little food was left into the pocket of his jacket.

'What little food was left' is a noun clause and the object of the sentence.

2013-06-09 02:26:40 補充:
What little food is the subject of the clause. It is followed immediately by the verb.

Another example:
I will contribute what little knowledge I have.
2013-06-07 3:20 am
He put whatever food left over into the picket of his jacket.

2013-06-06 3:24 am


He put...what litte food was left...into the pocket of his jacket.

"what little food was left"全組是他放進外套袋裏的東西
不是left into或是left little food等等


what little food that was left

what little food was left

2013-06-05 10:06 pm
問題不是what 先行嗎?
What little food was he put into the pocket of his jacket? 是否通順一點?
2013-06-05 8:39 pm
He put what little food was left into the pocket of his jacket.


I think:
He put the left little food/snack into the jacket pocket/the pocket of his jacket.
(little food是否解小食,還是解細小的食物?)


He put what little food which was left into the pocket of his jacket.

如果沒有which or that放在上述句子中,grammar 就會有些不通順。

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