
2013-06-03 7:29 pm
The hotel has been given measures to take should the deadly H7N9 strain of bird flu strike locally during the busy May 1 Golden Week holiday.

唔係好明上面句子的文法結構。是否conditions? 睇tenses, 又唔係好似。如果係,又係第幾種。點解後邊(should開始)用左倒裝? 請指教。

回答 (3)

2013-06-06 10:17 am
✔ 最佳答案

should the deadly H7N9 strain of bird flu strike locally during the busy May 1 Golden Week holiday
這部份是用上了倒裝法,用 should 的倒裝法,是有「萬一」、「一旦」發生的意思,如以下句

in case the deadly H7N9 strain of bird flu strikes locally during the busy May 1 Golden Week holiday

針對題目的另一個問題,結構上是否 conditional sentence﹖是的話又是那一類﹖

相信發問者留意到條件分句(should 的部份)是一個將來可能發生的事,但主句卻是現在完成式,並不符合第一類條件結構。

條件(將來可能發生):現在式 --> 行動:未來式

題目中的句子並不是這樣,時態是現在完成式,主句的動詞是 has been given,是H7N9爆發情況發生前以經完成,並不是因情況發生後才出現,很明顯 has been given 不是條件發生後的事,那麼在條作發生後會有甚麼行動﹖


一旦H7N9在五一黃金週爆發(should 的部份)酒店便會「採取」已有的措施,行動是 to take the given measures,基於條件而作的行動是主句的 to infinitive,而不是主句的主動詞。

這種句子並不屬於常見的三類 conditional sentences 任何一種,個人覺得這種句子的特點是有 condition,但不一定要寫出條作符合所帶出的行動,因為寫出來也只是 telling the obvious,主句的動詞和條件分句已充分說明全句意思。以下是句子羅輯:

1. measures given
2. if bird flu strikes
3. action: take the measures 這還用說嗎﹖

句子可以不用 condition 來表達:

The hotel has been given measures in preparation for a possible outbreak of the deadly H7N9 strain of bird flu during the busy May 1 gold Week holiday.

The hotel has been given measures as a precaution for a possible outbreak of the deadly H7N9 strain of bird flu during the busy May 1 gold Week holiday.

The soldiers are fortifying the beachheads should the enemy attempt an amphibious landing.

這句只有主動詞 fortify (不決定於條件),但沒有決定於條件的行動,其實行動已是不言而喻,就如以下的改寫:
The soldiers are fortifying the beachheads to fight back the enemy should they attempt an amphibious landing.

to fight back the enemy 是條件符合後的行動,寫出來只是 telling the obvious,較好的寫法是不用 condition,如下:

The soldiers are fortifying the beachheads to prepare for an amphibious landing by the enemy.

最後,這種句子只能用 should 的倒裝法或用 in case 而不能用 if 做 condition。


2013-06-06 02:28:35 補充:
最後,這種句子的 condition 必須用 should (倒裝與否)或用 in case。
2013-06-05 2:11 am
"The hotel has been given measures to take should the deadly H7N9 strain of bird flu strike locally during the busy May 1 Golden Week holiday."

The above sentence is perfectly written in tense and structure. The sentence is not a compound sentence because "should" acts as a conjunction to connect the two sentences.

As for "should," it is being used to substitue for "if."

Example: The hotel has been given measures to take if the deadly H7N9 strain of bird flu strike locally during the busy May 1 Golden Week holiday.

Example: If the deadly H7N9 strain of bird flu strike locally during the busy May 1 Golden Week holiday, the hotel has been given measures to take.

What you have is one indepent clause (The hotel has been given measures to take) and one dependent clause (should the deadly H7N9 strain of bird flu strike locally during the busy May 1 Golden Week holiday).

When both are joined together by an conjunction, no commas are needed, unless of course, the conjunction is implemented at the beginning of the sentence.

Hope this helps.
2013-06-04 10:15 pm

If he should come, tell him to wait. (萬一他來,告訴他等候)
If anyone should ask for me, I'll be in the manager's office.(萬一有人問我,我在經理房)

但If XX should,這種結構,可以將If 省略,用倒裝法(inversion),將should置於前,如:
Should it rain tomorrow, I should stay at home= if it should rain tomorrow......(萬一明天下雨,我將留在家中)

Should you (= if you) ever need anything, please don't hesitate to contact me.

The hotel has been given measures to take, if the deadly H7N9 strain of bird flu should strike locally during the busy May 1 Golden Week holiday.


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