Relative clause

2013-05-30 4:18 am
我系學校學左3個禮拜都唔明ar…………個ms. 又講到我不明……
1.)當兩句句子一齊的時候,點樣分defining clause?系唔係第一句要調到後面?
e.g.My father may be help you to fill in the forms. My father work in the banks.
My father who work in the banks may be help you to fill in the forms.
My father, who work in the bank, maybe help you to fill in the forms.
2.)我見有時候,第一句句子又未必調到後面,我d 同學話要分subject同object,但 係有時候又唔使,真系搞到我好煩,到底系點gar?

回答 (3)

2013-05-30 6:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先你要明白relative clause可以有defining clause和non-defining clause.

defining clause跟non-defining clause其實很容易分,沒有comma的是defining clause, 而有comma則是defining clause

defining clause中文叫界定子句,是用來界定某件事物(即那件事物必須有defining clause所說的特質),如:

the boy who came here yesterday是昨天來這兒的男孩(而不是這男孩昨天來)
a child whose parents are dead是失去雙親的男孩

而non-defining clause則不是界定作用,而是補充作用(即補充資料),如:

He is my friend, who is bootlicker. (他是我朋友,是個馬屁精)(是個馬屁精是補充的資料)

說到這裏,相信你大約知道它們的用法,有時defining與non-defining clause所帶出來的意思是非常不同,如:

I will employ a girl who can speak English well. (我要請個英語說得好的女孩)
I will employ the girl, who can speak English well.(我所請的女孩,她的英文說真很好)

There were very few passengers who escaped without serious injury.

There were very few passengers, who escaped without serious injury.


My father who work in the banks maybe help you to fill in the forms.其意是:


My father, who work in the bank, maybe help you to fill in the forms.



2013-05-30 10:58:21 補充:

defining clause跟non-defining clause其實很容易分,沒有comma的是defining clause, 而有comma則是non-defining clause

2013-05-30 11:00:20 補充:
I will employ the girl, who can speak English well.

2013-05-30 11:00:49 補充:
I will employ the girl, who can speak English well.

2013-05-30 22:30:32 補充:
non-defining clause 或defining clause,都與有多少資料無關;你老師這樣說,是將問題簡化,因為很少時候,我們用多個條件界定先行詞,所以她說要加comma作non-defining之用。但這卻不是絕對,因為多個條件也可做界定子句,如:
The boy who is broad-shoulder and playing football is my brother(那兼寬膊,又正玩足球的男孩是我的兄弟)

2013-05-30 22:32:02 補充:
The boy who is broad-shouldered and playing football is my brother
2013-06-01 5:53 pm
Another first-rate answer by hahatse!
2013-05-30 6:40 am
The response to the non-defining relative clause;
eg:-My father , who works in the bank , may help you filling the forms.
It means subject+sub subject from end of sentence +may help---.
The response to the defining relative clause;(don't say relative clause.);=defining clause=eg:-
That's the (father) who helped filling the forms.
Note "who worked in bank"=sub subject from end of sentence need not be used at all. In (2) don't say subject+object , but say Subject + sub subject (from end of sentence.)
Hope defining relative clause served its purpose; and so does non-defining relative clause.

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