
2013-05-14 6:20 pm
She did not do as well in the exam as she had hoped.

She did not do well in the exam as she had hoped.


回答 (2)

2013-05-16 10:19 am
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The second sentence does not make any sense for it is saying that not doing well in the exam is what she had hoped.

The first sentence is correct in general sense. It is saying that she was not doing as well as she had hoped.

The two sentences are completely different in meaning.
2013-05-14 8:50 pm

分別在於,第一句的 as well ... as she had hoped 有比較的意思,成績是與自己的期望比較。不合期望,可能只是稍有小失誤,表現只是未如理想。

第二句的do well ... as she had hoped 沒有與期望比較的意思,well 是形容成績本身,也就是與外部的標準比較。根本做得不好,就是「炒」了。

2013-05-18 22:15:52 補充:
Perhaps I have been misled by the first sentence

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