
2013-05-09 6:19 pm
Until recently prisoners might be locked up in their cells for 20 hours a day.

until後應接名詞,而不是副詞,是否應將recently 改為recency才符合文法?

回答 (5)

2013-05-10 3:45 am
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until recently 是一個很通常的 phrase

recently 是 adverb
until 在這裡是作 preposition (until 可以是 conjunction)
until作 preposition 時, 它後面多是 followed by noun or noun phrase
until 後面可以是 adverb, 例如 until now, until then

相信你不是自創這個字出來, "recency", 如果自己未見過, 不是等如無

recency (noun) = the quality or state of being recent
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/recencyhttp://www.thefreedictionary.com/recency 不過 recency 很少地使用, 尤其在英國, 英國字典多未列出

2013-05-12 20:08:12 補充:
“Until recently, Anna worked as a teacher in Japan.“ - 朗文辞典

It was not until recently that I started reading Harry Potter.
until = preposition, recently = nominal adverb
until recently = prepositional phrase functions as adverbial ~ also a complement
Format:: It is/was + adverbial + that clause
2013-05-13 10:19 am
An example of an adverbial phrase after until:
He did not leave until after midnight.

An example of a noun after until:
He did not leave until midnight.

2013-05-13 02:20:58 補充:
You can see that until can be followed by a noun or an adverb.
2013-05-10 10:44 pm

Until recently的until就是作連接詞用

Unless 、 until 、 if 、 although 、 when 、 whenever 、 while 、 once 等 連 接 詞 , 都 可 接 形 容 詞 ( adjective ) 或 specified 之 類 過 去 分 詞 ( past participle , 即 完 成 式 動 詞 ) , 而 把 「 主 詞 +be ( 包 括 其 變 體 is 、 was 等 ) 」 略 去 , 例 如 : ( 1 ) Unless (it is) strictly necessary, I won't go ( 除 必 絕 對 必 要 , 否 則 我 不 會 去 ) 。 ( 2 ) A friend is never known until (he is) needed ( 患 難 始 見 交 情 ) 。 ( 3 ) If (you are) made redundant, what will you do? ( 假 如 你 被 辭 退 , 會 怎 麼 辦 ? ) ( 4 ) Although (he was) attacked by his colbagues, he did not say anything to defend himself ( 他 雖 然 被 同 事 攻 擊 , 卻 不 說 一 句 話 自 辯 )

而Until recently,就是用了省略化,但recently是副詞,並不是形容詞,那又怎麼說?

unitl recently大約是Until (it is) recently的省略,而it is recently是對的寫法,如:


It is only quite recently that I started painting. 我只是在最近才開始繪畫的。


2013-05-09 10:58 pm
The prisoner usual stay at the prison cell around 20 hours per day
2013-05-09 8:13 pm

until recently是正確的寫法,就算文法規定until n. 也只是某種句式。


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