pls help .. this is my secret?

2013-05-08 11:01 am
I'm 19 and I think that I am gay but my family don't like gay people or even hate gay people and I love my family so much ..I'm scare if I come out they would hate me , also my whole family are Christians too so , I'm believe in God but I just can't control my feeling to the boys ( they are sooo hot ) then what do I need to do !! pls help

I have no gay friends .. no boy friend .. no girl friend :(((((((((((((((

回答 (7)

2013-05-08 11:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello Andy,

If you are gay then there is nothing you can do about it I'm afraid.

There are too many people who hate gay people and other minorities unfortunately.

Although I am a full-blown heterosexual I have had many friends who were gay or lesbian and found them to be far nicer and trustworthy than many other 'straight' people I have known.

As far as your family is concerned, if they truly love you they will accept the fact that you are gay (if indeed you discover you are).

You do have a difficult decision to make about whether your family should be told or not but if you try to keep it a secret it is probable that one day your secret will be discovered.

You know your family far better than the subscribers here and are best placed to decide whether to tell them or not.

My initial advice is to keep it to yourself for the moment until you are sure whether or not you are gay. If you find you are, especially if you meet someone and fall in love with him, you should re-evaluate the situation because I think it will be virtually impossible to have a relationship with a man without your family eventually finding out. If you do enter into a relationship with someone I think it would be far better that you tell your family rather than risking them finding out via someone else.

Good luck and I hope all will be well.

2013-05-08 6:21 pm
Totally disagree with johnsusan99 first of all. I'm a lesbian, happily married 8 years, also a Christian and my family is Christian too. I came out to my family at your age. Most of my family was accepting especially my mom. It was hard, but also a big relief. People will accept you for who you are not who you choose to love. You are born the way you are whether you are gay, straight, bisexual, transgender....oh and I might add your personality the things that make you, you!!!. Do what is best for you, some people may accept you, some may not, but you only have one life to live so just be yourself and true to your feelings. Good luck and best wishes to you :)
2013-05-08 6:20 pm
There's no problem, God accepts you anyway, you should not be sad or sorry about it. Every thing was created by God, so it's stupid to thing that something may not like to God... Furthermore if you really love your parents you should tell them it, if they truly love you like son, they will accept it, Love surpasses everything... Loving parents don't care about it, for them the only important thing is your happiness... :)

Good Life, I hope I helped you...
2013-05-08 6:08 pm
Coming out will be the hardest and best thing you'll ever do. You shouldn't have to live a lie your entire life. If your family takes it difficult, be sure you have a support group close at hand (best friends, other family members, an actual group) I'm sure you have many people who love you and who will continue to love you for being YOU. Good luck!
2013-05-08 6:06 pm
chill out i am bi myself !! if u r nt fincaly independent then wait abt telling them in the mean time try telling your frnds thts wat i did !! hope i helped
2013-05-08 6:05 pm
Leave home and go to a big city college where you will be accepted, or move to the big city where you will be accepted. Once you are away, you can tell your mother first and see how that goes, and ask her advice about how to break it to the rest of the family. You will not have to be close to them when they are dealing with it, so it will be easier for you. I hope God bill bless you and make you happy, no matter what route you take.
2013-05-08 6:09 pm
Nobody is inherently gay. It is just a myth modern soceity has created. What you need to do is not to feed these thoughts and feeling by dwelling on them. Also, closeness to a nice female person can help.Your strong feeling for boys will fade away.

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