I have a voice in my head that talks to me, telling me that the voice is fr God, am i crazy or am I a prophet?

2013-05-01 6:04 am

回答 (12)

2013-05-01 7:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you can tell me your full name, date of birth and 4 colors you like most in order. Then I can identify whether your physical body has been controlled by a demon or an Angel !!!!

GOD and Satan do talk to people. They always fighting for our souls. They both go around and seek most potential , strong, smart to work for them. Satan , she can speak in GOD's voice to deceive Human Beings.

This is how you can identify whether the " VOICES" is from Satan or GOD.

If your heart is full of LOVE and you 're a peaceful and caress person then the VOICE is from.........GOD. !!!!

If your heart is full of Hatred and you're hot temper and aggressive then the VOICE is from .........SATAN !!!!

Satan speak to your LEFT ear !!!! And usually ask you to do something " NOT NICE" to others or on to yourself.

GOD usually speak inside your head with words of " Warnings ".

GOD usually give you only ONE warning, but Satan keep repeating words herself. ( repeatedly heard VOICES ).

GOD's VOICE in calm manner , so you don't feel scare. Satan ' s VOICE will make you feel uncomfortable and little bit scare.

If your dream is from midnight to 3 :00 am....usually from....Satan. (early midnight)

If your dream is from 3:00 am to 6:00 am ...then from DIVINE, (GOD).( early morning)


sphere...........Love you ALL ! GODBLESS !
參考: GOD is for REAL !!!! FROM my explanation. If you think it is not a GOOD signs .then seek help from a Church or send email to me !! I can help YOU !!!! [email protected]
2013-05-01 6:09 am
You are mentally ill and in need of evaluation and treatment by a psychiatrist
2013-05-01 6:10 am
Your a prophet do what the voices command
參考: Atheist poking fun
2013-05-01 6:21 am
2013-05-01 6:05 am
You're either crazy or you can pick up radio signals.
2017-01-14 7:41 am
It first seems that you're experiencing some psychotic indicators, even if it will be very fool hardy to leap to a medical analysis of schizophrenia. As a psychological health care service i'd suggestion you to the contact your physician back and ask to be talked about a psychiatrist. it will be reliable to look no matter if there is any heritage of psychological ailment interior the kin and also others elements which incorporates alcohol and/or drug utilization. you should also analyze no matter in case your on a daily basis functioning which incorporates going to paintings, your on a daily basis structure and positively your human being presentation has been affected. look at your sleep trend and also the way you're interacting with human beings. the biggest element is to hunt medical suggestion and be assessed good. there are quite a few remedies attainable which incorporates multiple drugs alongside side speaking remedies. reliable luck!
2013-05-02 1:14 am
I knew 2 women who said that they had either the Holy Ghost in them or Jesus in them . But they really had 2 evil dead people possessing them , saying that they were those people . If it doesn't convince you to always obey all of Jesus' sayings THEN it isn't the Holy Ghost or Jesus . Like Elijah hearing a still small voice like telepathy is more like how the Holy Spirit talks to you .
2013-05-01 6:29 am
I believe you need to go to a pastor or a priest privately and talk to them about your problems. If they're good voices, telling you to be a good person and being nice, than that's just a healthy conscience. However, if it's a bad voice telling you to do crazy and scary things, you should seek psychiatric help.

You also might suffer from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty. You should see a psychiatric doctor or a therapist about this and talk to them about your thoughts and they'll probably help you through it.
2013-05-01 6:10 am
Depends. I get voices from the other side of the loop hole at times
2013-05-01 6:07 am
It's probably not God, it's probably a demon. No joke. Don't trust it at all. You can email me at [email protected] if you want to talk about it.

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