
2013-04-19 9:05 am

回答 (11)

2013-04-21 10:26 am
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Does the word "embrace" fit your definition of 包容?

The definition of "embrace" in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary is:

embrace something (formal): to accept an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc, especially when it is done with enthusiasm
to embrace democracy/feminism/Islam
It is unlikely that such countries will embrace capitalist ideas.
2014-07-04 12:33 am

2014-07-03 16:33:42 補充:
eicachan ( 知識長 ) HEY! TO DOES NOT MEAN TOO!
2013-04-20 8:59 am
2013-04-20 8:56 am
If you are magnanimous (寬宏大量,有雅量), you behave kindly and generously towards someone, especially after defeating them or being treated badly by them. ~ You have a heart big enough to hold no grudge.

想不起有什麼英文字 exactly means 包容

“包容” ~ 包含tolerant (容忍), accommodating (肯通融), 不多不少有 forgiving (寬大,不責難) 意味
2013-04-20 2:10 am
accommodate 唔係解「遷就」咩?

2013-04-19 23:19:05 補充:
If the Chinese meaning of 包容 is the same as 遷就, then I agree with you.
I am not so sure but we'll find out in due course.
2013-04-20 1:42 am
In what things have you accommodated me?
In what ways have you accommodated me?

2013-04-19 18:31:35 補充:
你曾經「遷就」過我(「包容」過我做不好的事仍對我好) You have accommodated my wrong doings and are still nice to me.

2013-04-22 20:28:46 補充:
To translate “包容” to English accurately, we need to know exactly what it means in Chinese to Ah Sam.

2013-04-22 20:42:11 補充:
These meanings of 'accommodate'有包,容的意思和用法:
To provide for; supply with.
To hold comfortably without crowding, contain
To allow for; consider:
2013-04-19 10:53 pm
引用英文聖經1 Corinthians Chapter13 當中第7節 bear all thing 凡事包容 從兩種語文都是翻譯希臘文的由來看 bear = 包容也算合理和英文人也能理解 bear不是「忍」的意思,而是接納和負上身(是負在自己身上),所以包容不單單是忍受不同意見/想法/行徑的存在,更有緃使不同亦與別人同行的意思。 這段聖經中同節亦有 endures all things 凡事忍耐 endure = 忍耐處境是指遇上困難時堅持下去,或許不是你問的那種忍受別人而心裏不樂那種心情。 tolerate 我會認為是 = 容讓 而不是包容。容讓是指放棄自己硬要別人跟自己方法或意思做,隨對方的想法/做法去做,自己是站後一步或原地不動的。跟「包容」那種把你的不同也納入自己考慮和與你同行有點不同。 英文有句口頭語 bear with me 意思是你先放過跟我激辯,先看看我的做法再作定論,不要太快否定我(或想/做法) 但留意個preposition是with,是期望你與我一起接納的。



tolerate是最容易的 = 你行你的路..我不理你了
bear是可接納的分歧 = 我接受你或你的做法並且不會因為心裏意見不同而反面
endure是有阻力下的忍耐或忍受 = 只是自己內心或意志的力量...不是包容或容忍別人的用詞
2013-04-19 6:59 pm
2013-04-19 1:02 pm
Excuse==as a v.t. 1)give reasons showing,or intended to show,that overlook(a fault, etc.);原諒;寬宥(過失等); 2) set (somebody) free (from a duty,requirement,punishment etc.);使(某人)免除(責任,規定, 懲罰等);
Forgive==as a v.t. or v.i. 1)say that one no longer has the wish to punish somebody( an offence, a sin); pardon or show mercy to (somebody); no longer have hard feelings towards (somebody);寬恕(某人與for連用,後接動名詞);赦免;饒恕;原諒;2) not demand repayment of ( a debt); not demand repayment of a debt from (somebody);不索取(債務);寬免(某人)之債;
參考: 大部份根據香港牛津大學出版社的現代高級英漢雙解辭典及其商務印書館出版的英漢辭典
2013-04-19 12:32 pm

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