cloze passage

2013-02-08 5:54 am
Bees are busy i_____. They live in larger families called colonies. Each colony lives in a h___________. There are t_____ of bees in a colony. They are the queen bee, the drones and the worker bees. Each colony has one queen bee. It is the h__________ of the colony. The colony goes wherever it goes. The job of the queen bee is just to l____ eggs. Drones are the m___ bees and they don’t do any work e_____ to help the queen bee to p_____ eggs. The female bees are the worker bees. They are the ones that c_____ nectar and pollen from f__________

回答 (4)

2013-02-08 9:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Bees are busy insects. They live in larger families called colonies. Each colony lives in a hive. There are thousands of bees in a colony. They are the queen bee, the drones and the worker bees. Each colony has one queen bee. It is the head of the colony. The colony goes wherever it goes. The job of the queen bee is just to lay eggs. Drones are the male bees and they don’t do any work except to help the queen bee to produce eggs. The female bees are the worker bees. They are the ones that collect nectar and pollen from flowers.

2013-02-09 00:55:26 補充:
Ddss, aka whatiswhat24 and 20 plus other id, has been kicked out of this forum because of his nasty behaviour. Now he is making a comeback with the same nasty behaviour. Obviously he enjoys having his ass kicked.

2013-02-09 00:57:01 補充:
Ddss should go back to the nursery school where the teacher will teach him where to poo.
2013-02-09 8:26 am
回答者:garlic2010 ( 博士級 1 級 ) should really start looking for a job(maybe a loo cleaner) instead of helping people do easy homework on Yahoo!
2013-02-08 7:25 pm
(3)types is wrong.

2013-02-08 11:26:17 補充:
garlic2010 got every one right.
2013-02-08 6:17 am
---A cloze passage----

2013-02-08 16:05:27 補充:
(3)error and correction:-(thousands);Bees live in large groups (thousands),eg,bumble-bee,queen bee, worker, drone bee (types)

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