《評論》自欺欺人篇 3

2013-01-27 5:19 am
相關問題: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130126000050KK00344

Less or Fewer? (Comparative) FEWER students will spend their money on movies. (COUNTABLE) People want to spend LESS time on traffic. (UNCOUNTABLE) But I’ve LITTLE money to travel with you. (UNCOUNTABLE) ======================================================== All in all, the reason I criticize (NOT BLAST, blast is colloquial and rude) this article is because a reputed English mob is trying to deceit his followers by raising misleading questions to gain more recognition on this website. The “best” answers chosen by this nasty guy are invalid. I can’t say this guy’s answers are all wrong, but his answers are quite average, and even some are wrong. His wording shows his confidence in language which leads him to his arrogant manner. His nasty behavior like as I mentioned here is so disgusting and his answer scares off many respondents who are willing to give opinions. He shouldn’t be a successful person anyway as he is obsessing in his unrealistic world to become an unrealistic linguist. As long as this nasty guy can’t provide good answers, he isn’t entitled to blame on anyone’s answer. He is forcing people to believe what he said is true and valid. Smart guys, if you have something not sure, you don’t have to trust me, and don’t rely on this Yahoo Knowledge. This website can only be regarded as a chitchat website. Good luck to those who are still relying on such mob’s answer on this website. Another hilarious thing from this English mob: Take money WITHOUT thanks. (Are you a thief?)

回答 (2)

2013-01-28 10:03 am
xxxxxxxxDum(x)Axx said:
"He shouldn’t be a successful person anyway as he is obsessing in his unrealistic world to become an unrealistic linguist."

Although the above sentence is awkward and grammatically incorrect, it is a very appropriate description of the author himself.
2013-01-28 7:34 am
As long as this nasty guy can’t provide good answers, he isn’t entitled to blame on anyone’s answer.

Very well said. Does it ever occur to you that what you said suits yourself best?

2013-01-27 23:37:00 補充:
Just in case you don't know the meaning of "occur to you", it means "come into your mind".

2013-01-27 23:38:43 補充:
a reputed English mob is trying to deceit his followers by raising misleading questions to gain more recognition

"What is the countable counterpart of LESS?"
In what way is this question misleading?

2013-01-27 23:41:06 補充:
If you do not know what is counterpart, how can you say anything about the question, let alone criticize the answer?

How can you say something is misleading when you have no clue what that is?

2013-01-27 23:43:57 補充:
The “best” answers chosen by this nasty guy are invalid.

"The countable counterpart of LESS is "fewer"."
"The uncountable counterpart of FEW is "little" (or "very little")"
In what way are these answers invalid?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 09:57:15
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