《評論》自欺欺人篇 2

2013-01-27 5:18 am
相關問題: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130126000050KK00343

Garlic2010’s Question 2: What is the UNCOUNTABLE counterpart of FEW? Ed_young’s comment: The uncountable counterpart of FEW is “little” (or “very little”) Ed_young’s Answer: Few people are interested in watching cock fighting today. My Comment: Let me ask you this question: Can you count those people who are watching cock fighting, Ed_young? Are you speaking for one those mobs, Ed_young or are you one of them? My Comment: I think ed_young ignores another meaning of few: a small number or amount. Although we usually use “a few” for countable nouns, “few” DO refers to countable parts. Bonus for the English mob: Have you ever seen this sign in stores: Express line – 10 items or LESS. That phrase is commonly used elsewhere in English speaking countries. HOWEVER, this phrase is wrong grammatically. IT SHOULD BE 10 items or FEWER (Go ask your certified English Teachers) Ed_young’s comment: I think the author of the original sentence confused “a few” with “few”. (Wordiness) Friendly advice to Ed_young: I advise you to revise the sentence like this: I think the author confused “a few” with “few”. But I think you are confused with the relation between “a few/few”, ”little”, “fewer”, and “less”. My last comment to the English mob: A FEW or FEW is something countable. A FEW means SOME FEW means NOT TOO MANY. (MANY REFERS TO THOSE COUNTABLE NOUNS.) Examples: Garlic has few friends. Or Garlic has a few friends. (BOTH ARE WORK) There are only few people on the bus! Let’s get on the bus. (Are those people countable?) I only have (a) few items, please let me go! (Can those items be counted?) LESS is something UNCOUNTABLE. Examples: Garlic has less knowledge than I, but he never admits this! Less is more. I could do no less than you. TBC

回答 (2)

2013-01-27 8:02 pm
I think xxxxxxxxDum(x)Axx's problem is that he ignored simple mistakes in order to get to the advanced levels quickly. Now he thinks he is an expert so he could not admit that he still makes those foundamental mistakes.This is a typical case of "自欺欺人".

2013-01-28 13:31:50 補充:
His problem is his attitute to the learning process. For example, instead of finding out what "counterpart" meant, he assumed it meant "comparable", and spent a lot of time arguing that "few" was not comparable to "little".

2013-01-28 13:51:45 補充:
His problem is his resentment to different opinions and his practice in intimidating his critics that quite often people just don't bother to correct his mistakes, and he would move on with the misconception, which accumulates over time.

2013-01-28 14:04:56 補充:
With the misconception, xxxxxxxxDum(x)Axx would argue with anyone to the bitter end. When there are more than 1 person with the same different opinion, they become a "gang", or a "mob", ploting conspiracy against him.

2013-02-02 12:07:19 補充:
If he lets this behavior carry on, the mob would become larger and he will become more isolated, though surrounded by himself under different Pseudonyms, to the point that he would think that he is right, and everybody else is wrong, and that he is sane, and everybody else isn't.
2013-01-27 9:18 am
Ed_young’s Answer:
Few people are interested in watching cock fighting today.

This sentence is perfect. You are in big trouble if you think there is a problem.

2013-01-27 01:23:59 補充:
I have no idea why you wrote this article. Few, a few, little, a little, less, etc. may be advanced topics for you. I don't know about ed-young but I learned them in primary school.

2013-01-27 01:24:56 補充:
Garlic has few friends. Or Garlic has a few friends. (BOTH ARE WORK)

I am sure you last sentence does not work.

2013-01-27 01:27:36 補充:
I don't know why you asked so many simple questions in your article. Do you not have answers for them?

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