GarlicIsDumAss's sentence

2013-01-20 3:03 am
Anyway, you are no match with me as always! Poor dumb!

Is there any mistake in the above sentence?

回答 (3)

2013-01-20 3:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are only 2 mistakes in this sentence.

(1) "no match with me" should be "no match for me".
(2) "dumb" is an adjective. The second sentence should be "you poor dumb person!", but "you" can be ommitted, so "poor dumb person" is acceptable. "Poor dumb" is grammatically incorrect.
參考: My past learning
2013-01-20 7:42 am
Poor English Use 26
Po o reng li shu se 23
參考: Putonghua's Use 23
2013-01-20 3:48 am
Too much phrases;
as always=Anyway; Poor dumb !
=as usually happens
=as usual
=or is expected !
Hence:-As always, you are no match with me.
An attempt to answer.

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