mob referring to individuals

2013-01-19 11:00 pm
Your answers are welcome even though you agree or not as long as you're not one of the mobs/fans in his group.

Can the word "mobs" in the above sentence be interpreted to mean individual persons? Is there a word that means a member of a mob?

回答 (3)

2013-01-20 2:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
'Mob' like 'gang' is a collective noun. They both refer to a group or crowd of people. 'Mob' is therefore not used nor interpreted to mean an individual person.
Like gangster to gang, 'mobster' is the word that means a member of a mob.
2013-01-20 6:28 pm
I agree with Eicachan that "mobs" should have been "mobsters" in the original sentence. By the way, it seems the use of "even though" instead of "whether" in that sentence is a more serious mistake.
2013-01-20 2:24 am
"mob" can mean individual person in that "mob" is a large noisy crowd especially one that is angry and violent
eg.A mob of a few hundred demonstrators.
eg.The leadership had been criticized for giving in to mob rule
=A mob controls the situation than the government
eg The usual sc.mob of teenagers were standing on the Wong's corner!
eg:-Each individual has the rights of the individual.
Hence the singular form of the plural word "mob" is a mob.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:37:06
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