翻譯英文。急 20分

2013-01-18 8:02 pm
翻譯英文, 唔要google 翻譯。


我提供返個account payable breakdown 比你, 你對返你record 會否有出入。

如果係, 請提供你個breakdown 比我。


回答 (6)

2013-02-09 8:31 am
Maybe ... garlicxxxx is a real 潑婦.
2013-01-22 7:43 am
I can’t figure out any discrepancy.

Example of wordiness from 003:
I cannot find out where the discrepancy in numbers lies.
我提供返個account payable breakdown 比你, 你對返你record 會否有出入。
I enclosed our detailed breakdown of your account for checking.

Example of wordiness from 003:
I have provided here our account payable breakdown so that you can cross-check your records against ours.
如果係, 請提供你個breakdown 比我。
If you can figure out the discrepancy, please let me know how you arrive to that figure.

Figure out:
It’s best describing a mathematic calculation or puzzle.

Example of wrong verb choice from 003:
If you can locate the discrepancy, please send us your breakdown.

Locate: Although locate does mean find in Chinese, but it isn’t appropriate in his example.

Examples of locate:
Can you locate where the post office for me?
Can you locate a lost Ipad?
Can you locate the missing suspect?

You’d better say:
If you can FIND the discrepany…

2013-01-24 22:03:58 補充:
我睇你真係辛苦, 零晨點幾鐘重係道寫自辯, 簡直係自欺欺人

提供返個account payable breakdown 比你, 你對返你record 會否有出入。

It means A will provide B’s bookkeeping record for B’s comparison.
Thus B will compare A’s record: B’s A/C. Get it stupid!

2013-01-24 22:05:05 補充:

The fact is the discrepancy might not be existed! Possibilities are:
A made no mistake.
B made mistake.
Neither A nor B made mistake
A made mistake
B made no mistake.

As there are so many possibilities, how can you say the discrepancy is known to exist? Idiot?

2013-01-24 22:06:25 補充:
If your sentence is like this:
Can you locate the error in this report? (this is fine.)


The situation is whether the error exists or not, we have no clue.
If you say “can you locate the discrepancy?” It’s inappropriate.

2013-01-24 22:07:15 補充:
I shouldn’t waste time here to argue with someone who knows nothing about bookkeeping.

不要再浪費時間潑婦式駡街! Stop self-deception! You and your English are shame.
參考: Not from the English mob
2013-01-20 12:02 am
Date: xxxx

To: xxxx

Attn: xxxx

Dear xxx

I am sorry that I cannot find any discrepancy

I hereby submit the account payable breakdown. Please kindly check it against your record.

Should there be any discrepancy, please do let me know the details.

Thanks and best regards,
2013-01-19 10:29 pm
I cannot find out where the discrepancy in numbers lies.

I have provided here our account payable breakdown so that you can cross-check your records against ours.

If you can locate the discrepancy, please send us your breakdown.

2013-01-22 16:22:52 補充:
Answer by GarlicIsDumass
..., please let me know how you arrive to that figure.

arrive at (correct)
arrive to (wrong)

2013-01-23 01:04:14 補充:
GarlicIsDumass made the mistake that primary students are told to avoid.

Although locate does mean find in Chinese, but it isn’t appropriate in his example.

Although ... but (What have you learned all those years?)

2013-01-23 01:08:28 補充:
GarlicIsDumass knows nothing about translation.

你對返你record 會否有出入
I enclosed our detailed breakdown of your account for checking.

對返你 (the other party's) record, not checking the breakdown you provided to the other party.

2013-01-23 01:10:40 補充:
I enclosed our detailed breakdown of your account for checking.

GarlicIsDumass's sentence does not embrace the meaning of 對返, which implies checking by comparison.

2013-01-23 01:15:11 補充:
The fact is the discrepancy is known to exist and it is only a matter of where it lies.

GarlicIsDumass's translation: I can’t figure out any discrepancy.
The writer is denying any discrepancy.

2013-01-23 01:23:42 補充:
如果係, 請提供你個breakdown 比我。
If you can figure out the discrepancy, please let me know how you arrive to that figure.

GarlicIsDumass's sentence is not a faithful interpretation of the original text, which only asked for the other party's breakdown.

2013-01-23 01:24:28 補充:
Definition of locate: to find the exact location of somebody/something
Example: The mechanic located the fault immediately.

Location does not refer to physical location only. Location can be a certain part in a report, etc.

GarlicIsdumass's claim of my wrong use of locate is dead wrong.

2013-01-23 01:29:22 補充:
I'd also like to teach GarlicIsdumass that one person does not make a mob, a word he has used so often to refer to me and my answers.

2013-01-24 01:25:50 補充:
One more joke from GarlicIsDumass:

Can you locate where the post office for me?
2013-01-19 4:33 am
-----The translation from C/E for20 without applying google's-------

I cannot make out the difference.
I provide you herewith the account payable breakdown.
You will check the record for any discrepancies between the two versions.
If you do, please show me the breakdown of the analysis for a parallel comparision.
2013-01-18 11:01 pm
I cannot find out where the variance is. I have provided here the account payable breakdown, please check your record for the details. If you find the discrepancies, please show me your breakdown for comparison.

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