
2013-01-15 7:10 pm

回答 (7)

2013-01-18 3:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Should soundings be findings?

2013-01-17 19:34:53 補充:
1. "soundings" is a misprint of "findings"
2. "the" is missing twice in the given word list.

My answer is as follows:

Initial findings show strong support for (the) view that (the) minister's policy must be scrapped.
2013-02-09 8:33 am
Should garlic2010 ( 博士級 1 級 ) be jobless?
2013-01-17 7:30 pm
Initial surroundings policy support show for that minister's strong view must be scrapped.
2013-01-17 3:12 am
Initial soundings show strong support for minister's view that policy must be scrapped.
2013-01-15 11:54 pm
加我msn:[email protected]
2013-01-15 11:15 pm
minister’s initial strong view for that policy must be scrapped show soundings support
2013-01-15 8:01 pm
Initial surroundings policy support show for that minister's strong view must be scrapped.

2013-01-15 18:50:16 補充:
Minister's initial strong view (subj)
for that policy (phr)
must be scrapped ( adv clause)
show surroundings support (adv cl. of condition.)

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:33:42
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