This phrase usually happens

2013-01-12 11:40 pm
你鍾意點諗就點諗: This phrase usually happens in an argument.

Happens 係句中用得岩唔岩,點解,同應該點改﹖ 多謝大家。

回答 (4)

2013-01-16 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This phrase usually happens in an argument. ~ happen is not used in this way.

This phrase is usually used in an argument.
This phrase is usually found in an argument.
This phrase happens to be in an argument. (The meaning is different.)

Happen is used when talking about events that have not been planned. It should be used for events that are spontaneous or accidental.
Happen does not have a passive form. Happen is usually used after vague words like something, thing, it, what or this.

On the other hand, “happen” is used with these nouns as the subject: The list is by no means exhaustive.
attack , avalanche , earthquake, burglary , catastrophe , collision , crash , crime , death , disaster , explosion, injury, killing, murder, riot , tragedy

abuse , breakthrough , change , event , incident , leak , merger , miracle , mistake , phenomenon , transformation

The accident happened at nine o'clock this morning.
What’s happened?
Something terrible has happened!

If “happen” is used as a linking verb, it means to do or be something by chance, especially when the subject is a person.

I happened to be out of town at that time.
He happens to be my friend, so don’t say nasty thing about him.

No offence to anyone; 知識交流

take place [verb phrase] = to happen - use this for events, performances, ceremonies and other things that have been planned to happen or that have already happened

The wedding will take place at St John Cathedral.
The story takes place in the 18th century. = The story is set in ...

If you adopt a new attitude, plan, or way of behaving, you decide to start using (or having) a particular idea, plan, manner or method that is not the one you usually use or have.

Our boss has recently adopted a friendlier manner. [= has started behaving in a friendlier way]

If you apply something such as a rule, system, law or skill, you use a particular method or process in a particular situation or activity.

A new technique can be applied to the treatment of cancer.

2013-01-17 09:42:40 補充:
The meaning is slightly different. You can say:~

This phrase is usually/widely employed in an argument.
參考: Cobuild English Usage; Oxford English Dictionary
2013-01-13 6:38 pm
This phrase is often used in the argument.
This phrase is often applied in the argument.
This phrase is often adopted in the argument.
參考: By myself
2013-01-13 12:52 am
It just so happens that the phrase(---) is used in an argument.
2013-01-13 12:33 am
This phrase usually happens in an argument 可以但最好更改為:-

This phrase usually appears/ takes place in an argument

This phrase is usually /often used in an argument

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