He's sending me 'romantic' sort of text messages? 10pts?

2013-01-08 2:39 pm
today my guy friend who I think has feelings for me, sent me a good morning text along with a pic of an ocean in alaska where two oceans meet but dont mix.

he sent this women's commentary along with it: ''its kind of poetic... two powerful bodies of water, relentlessly standing together, but unable to become one. they're like the unrequited lovers of aquatic bodies. but fret not you hopeless romantics, according to scientists this story will get its happy ending; given enough time, the differences between these two bodies will disappear and they will merge together.''

he's also sent me a lyrics of a love song, and when I said it was lame, he told me it wasn't lame, but sweet. why would he be sending me this stuff? we text everyday, and he's the one who initiates.

does it mean he likes me?

回答 (6)

2013-01-08 2:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes of course he likes you,,not only that may be he is in love with you,but may be he is scared to tell out of rejection,,,,,so don`t worry too much,,you also send such poetic and romantic text to him if you also have such feelings for him and one day both oceans must meet,,,trust me,,same thing happened to me also.

my guy used to send me romantic texts,and romantic pics,,and i felt that he has started liking me,but he was afraid to say me his feeling,if i reject him,,so i also started sending him romantic messages and by all such things i also make him realize that i also feel the same feeling so one day he told me that i love u,will you marry me?and i accepted his proposal because i also wait for the day to come,,,and now we are married.........so don`t worry,,,,your guy has real love feeling for you,,go forward.....good luck,,,god bless you dear....
參考: Personal experience
2013-01-08 4:27 pm
he likes you but whatever you do, do not friendzone
2013-01-08 2:47 pm
Aww yeah, I think he really does like you! He was probably referring to you and him when he sent you that ocean pic with the commentary. Next time he sends you this kind of stuff, don't tell him it's lame because he might just think you're not interested. Wait... are you interested? I guess it would depend on that. Well, if you are interested, don't waste an opportunity. He sounds like a keeper :)
2013-01-08 2:47 pm
He definitely likes you , if not , he doesn't need to spend time on you.
2013-01-08 2:45 pm
It sounds like he's a hopeless romantic (nothing wrong with this) and this is his way of telling you his feelings he seems a shy sweet guy whos probably too scared to tell you just take the leap and ask him either face to face or on text
Good Luck x ;)
2013-01-08 2:42 pm
It sounds to me like he does! I would definitely deduce from those messages that he must like you! Good luck to you, I hope you've found a great guy! I dont know what else he would mean to say...

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