sensing & to sense

2013-01-08 11:39 pm
1. She woke up to sense that the ship had stopped.
2. She woke up sensing that the ship had stopped.

What is the different meaning between both above sentences?

回答 (5)

2013-01-09 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. She woke up to sense that the ship had stopped.
She woke up and sensed that the ship had stopped.

2. She woke up sensing that the ship had stopped.
You can rewrite the sentence in the following way without changing the meaning of the sentence.

Sensing that the ship had stopped, she woke up.

That means
She woke up because she sensed that the ship had stopped.

2013-01-09 00:51:05 補充:
Answer 004 by 回答者:GarlicIsDumAss ( 小學級 5 級 ) is anything but correct.

Mistake one: "The ship had stopped" is perfect. It does not have to be in passive voice. similarly, we can say "the car had stopped", "a plane is flying" (not being flown), etc.

2013-01-09 00:53:35 補充:
Mistake two: "woke up to sense something" is correct. It does not mean "woke up in order to sense something".

A similar sentence is:
He woke up to find that everybody had left.
It means he woke up and discovered that everybody had left.

2013-01-09 00:58:48 補充:
Mistake three: A lot of people can tell you that they will wake up from their sleep when somebody is walking near them. A lot of people can testify that their senses still work, though not at the full-alert level, even in their sleep.

2013-01-09 00:59:23 補充:
The sentence does not mention in what state of sleep the person was.

2013-01-09 01:02:43 補充:
Mistake four:
I was awake by the ship's horn ...

Past participle !!!

2013-01-09 19:15:27 補充:
Mistake five:
It is a question on English grammar and usage, not on psychology. Your comment is total rubbish.

2013-01-11 01:31:23 補充:
If a ship cannot stop itself, why can a plane fly itself? (your logic)

2013-01-11 01:32:39 補充:
One last thing to teach you arrogance! (GarlicIsDumAss's words)

Isn't the person who said these words arrogant?

2013-01-11 01:35:03 補充:
睇你成日上哩個網就知你無聊啦! (GarlicIsDumAss's words)


2013-01-11 01:40:17 補充:
Disguise no more plsssss....You're so disgusting... (GarlicIsDumAss's words)

我答題目 Disguise D 乜,關你乜事,你覺唔覺得自己好討厭,好disgusting﹖

2013-01-11 01:46:16 補充:
Anyway, you are no match with me as always! Poor dumb! (GarlicIsDumAss's words)

你估而家打雷台,呢 D 人所作所為就真係 disgusting。

2013-01-12 15:55:08 補充:
Do you gang up with DDSS? Do you know who he is? DDSS is an old friend of mine. I miss him very much. I just sent him an email and received a reply from him. I am so glad he is still alive.

2013-01-12 16:00:17 補充:
I had blasted bad answers in the past, be they written by TOMING88 or anyone else, and will continue to do so in the future. Your English is a joke and your attacks on my answer only reveal how poor your English is. A phrase does not happen just as a cat does not happen.

2013-01-12 16:12:26 補充:
Other than calling me names, you are totally incapable of doing anything. No doubt you are a complete loser.
2013-01-31 8:32 pm
garlic2010 is the only sore loser on Yahoo! My name is Ds.

2013-01-31 12:42:09 補充:
Sensing that the ship had stopped, she woke up. (illogical)

Garlic2010 is completely brain dead, so we cannot expect this little plant to give us any logical answers.

Maybe it(garlic2010) is able to sense that eicachan is kissing its big mouth while it(garlic 2010) is sleeping.

2013-01-31 12:44:33 補充:
When a normal human being is sleeping, he can only dream(have wet dreams), turn, and toss.

2013-01-09 6:08 am
Garlic2010's answer is a big joke!

2013-01-08 22:08:52 補充:
The above two sentenses are wrong.

My suggestion:

She woke up and sensed the ship had been stopped.

Bottom line:

If you are in deep sleeping, you can't sense that ship had been stopped.


Sensing that the ship had stopped, she woke up.

This sentence is illogical and it doesn't mean "She woke up because she sensed that the ship had stopped."

If you can sense the ship had been stopped, you wake up already.

Also, you can say like this:

I was awake by the ship's horn, and I sensed that the ship had been stopped.

Another problem is:

The ship cannot stop itself!!!!!!!!!

2013-01-09 21:57:42 補充:
好似好Professional 甘喎! Actually, it's....crap!!!!

Yes, it doesn’t have to be passive, but it depends on how you describe a situation. According to your comment, do you mean we cannot use passive voice here?

2013-01-09 21:58:34 補充:
Passive voice is more natural in describing this situation. For instance, the Titanic ship designer asked the Captain why the ship WAS STOPPED. (Passive voiced)

But I’d say:

A private limousine stopped in front of a celebrity.

2013-01-09 21:59:01 補充:
He woke up to find that everybody had left =/= he woke up and discovered that everybody had left.

I think you don’t know how to apply to-infinitive. In your sentence, to sense means in order to sense. You should ask your English teachers for help.

2013-01-09 21:59:36 補充:
How do you know that woman is highly alertness while sleeping? Did the sentence mention anything that makes you have delusion?

If he or she is highly alertness while sleeping, he or she isn’t sleeping clinically.

All I’ve been assuming is very general.

2013-01-09 22:00:05 補充:
A lot of people can testify that their senses still work, though not at the full-alert level, even in their sleep.

People cannot testify themselves while they are sleeping, but people can be testified by other professionals.

2013-01-09 22:01:25 補充:
One last thing to teach you arrogance!

Why a plane can be flown? It is a toy-plane instead! Lol….. Give me high five! Yay!

睇你成日上哩個網就知你無聊啦! Disguise no more plsssss....You're so disgusting...

2013-01-11 21:44:42 補充:
Garlic2010 don’t be so rude and mad…lol…you are the so-called “reputed English teacher” on Yahoo Knowledge HK!

Garlic2010: 點解有個無聊人成日跟住我的答案﹖佢係咪好無聊呢﹖
Ans: You should ask yourself this question: Who initiated this war?

2013-01-11 21:45:12 補充:
Garlic2010: 我答題目 Disguise D 乜,關你乜事,你覺唔覺得自己好討厭,好disgusting﹖

Ans: If you are disguising something, you’re not entitled to blame anyone’s answers! Got it, arrogance! Lol…

2013-01-11 21:47:45 補充:
Garlic2010: 你估而家打雷台,呢 D 人所作所為就真係 disgusting。

Ans: Did you do the same thing to others such as TOMING88, DDSS or any other past users? Who said this in his previous opinion “YOU ARE NOT OF THE CLASS”? It’s you, baby!!! 你估而家打雷台咩Garlic2010!

2013-01-11 21:48:20 補充:
I really wanna ask AN ARROGRANCE this question: You belong to which class???

2013-01-16 22:17:34 補充:
Still, your answer is a big joke of which you never want to admit. I'd like to see your crap in future. Your answers will be monitored. This game will continue.
2013-01-09 1:14 am
sense:-The caption sensed danger and stopped.
sense:-The ship could sense her growing irritation.
sensed:-She sensed that there was some accidents in the sea.
sensing:-A black-box device used for sensing accidents.
sensing:-She woke up sensing a cracking etc.
(1) infinitive:-(grammar) is the basic form of a verb, such as "be","make", "go" or sense" usually used with "to" in the form "to be", "to make", "to go", Or "to sense".etc.The split infinitive may be found.
(2)gerund:-(grammar) is a noun in the form of a present participle, that describes an action or experience, such as "sensing", in the sentence "She woke up sensing."
It's called verbal noun.
2013-01-09 12:06 am
1, 因為to後面的verb要跟不定式
2. sensing 是動名詞


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