你鍾意點諗就點諗 英文

2013-01-05 8:37 am

回答 (7)

2013-01-06 9:58 am
✔ 最佳答案


That's what you think. (這是你一廂情願的想法。)


Whatever you like.

2013-01-08 00:37:08 補充:
To answer 006,
A phrase does not happen. A phrase is coined.

2013-01-09 01:07:38 補充:
Yes, things happen but a sentence does not happen. It is a wrong choice of word. Apparently, it is poorly chinglish.

The phrase is used in an argument. The phrase does not happen in an argument.

2013-01-09 01:08:41 補充:
To coin a phrase does not necessarily mean to create or invent a new use of a phrase.

2013-01-09 19:27:45 補充:
傻仔,我寫 A phrase is coined 係話你知 a phrase 應該點用,
the phrase is used
the phrase usually comes up
the phrase is expressed
甚至 the phrase occurs 都得,不過
the phrase usually happens 就唔得。

2013-01-09 19:36:26 補充:
你講咁多 coined 既無關野但仲要死話 the phrase happens,你支持 chinglish 咁就乜都得。
2013-01-31 8:18 pm
garlic2010's English is the worst! Step down!
2013-01-08 6:07 am
Whatever you like is INAPPROPRIATE in this situation. (CHINGLISH)

How to use whatever you like?

Wife: Which dress do you think it suits me best? The red one or the white one?

Husband: whatever you like.

你鍾意點諗就點諗: This phrase usually happens in an argument.

So I'd say: whatever you think or whatever you say. (I don't care!)

2013-01-08 21:48:00 補充:
To a fake professional,

A phrase does not happen. A phrase is coined.
我就來比你笑死! 扮完經濟及會計學者又扮英文專家!

Do you know what does "A phrase does not happen" mean?

This product is proudly made in China.
Does proudly mean 驕傲? Your piece of Art in English lol…

2013-01-08 21:48:37 補充:
Let me give you these examples:

The funny thing will happen once you open that door!

Consensus happened through the open dialogue.

2013-01-08 21:49:03 補充:
Another entertaining comment comes from the arrogance – you!

If you say “Whatever you say” this phrase is coined, let me ask you this question:

Who newly created this phrase? Did I newly phrase it?

2013-01-08 21:49:48 補充:
Literally, coin’s second meaning refers to a phrase which is technically termed.

How to use “coined” appropriately?

Who coined the term “fiscal cliff”? Got it?

2013-01-09 21:53:12 補充:

...甚至 the phrase occurs 都得,不過
the phrase usually happens 就唔得??????

Do you know OCCUR mean appear or happen???
What a silly arrogance here telling us crap!

2013-01-09 21:54:02 補充:
Here are examples, hypocrite!

Consensus means opinions. Get that??? One question for you

English/dictionary nuts: how do you define the word “thing”?

A funny thing might not be a physical substance. Get it, idiot?

2013-01-09 21:54:31 補充:
Another entertaining comment comes from a lunatic - you!

To coin a phrase does not necessarily mean to create or invent a new use of a phrase. (You’ve altered coin’s second definition! You have no rights to do that, crap!)

2013-01-09 21:55:18 補充:
Look it up into your dictionary carefully. In my opinion, coin’s second meaning specifically means INVENT. Can you tell me how will you interpret coin’s second meaning in Chinese? Pls tell us!

Stop joking jerk! You are nothing but a silly stinky crap!

睇你成日上哩個網就知你無聊啦! Frankly, do you have friends?
2013-01-05 8:45 pm

as you like


up to you
2013-01-05 8:26 pm
Whatever you decide.
Whatever decision you made.
2013-01-05 3:40 pm
Ans: as you wish!
2013-01-05 10:03 am
Just The Way You're Thinking Of ?
Putonghua's Unidade 23
French Unidade 33
English Unidade 44
Spanish Unidade 55
參考: Way I Like Putonghua's Unidade 23

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