
2012-12-25 8:48 pm

回答 (7)

2012-12-26 1:31 am
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(我)迟咗上(唔到)飛機 英文:(I) was too late to get on the plane.
(我)上飛機迟咗 英文:(I) got on the plane late.
2012-12-29 3:18 am
We just simply say: I missed the flight.
2012-12-26 6:58 pm
遲到乘搭飛機==rush to get on the airplane; rush to board the airplane;
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation” by Hongkong Oxford University Press1975
2012-12-26 8:12 am
Lately the rule says you should board the plane 2 hours before plane take-off!
Hence if you're 2 hrs late=Too late to be on board the plane!
2012-12-25 9:46 pm
late on board.
2012-12-25 9:36 pm
a bit late to aboard
2012-12-25 9:00 pm

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