英文好的人 請翻譯

2012-12-18 6:54 am
吳耀輝(Ng Yiu Fai , Kenneth)對生命的熱誠和助人自助的精神,廣泛得到社會的認同和嘉許。

回答 (5)

2012-12-19 9:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ng Yiu Fai Kenneth's passion for life and his eagerness to help others stand on their own have earned him widespread recognition and commendation from society.
2013-01-02 6:18 am
professional translation
2012-12-21 9:44 am
吳耀輝(Ng Yiu Fai , Kenneth)對生命的熱誠和助人自助的精神,廣泛得到社會的認同和嘉許。

He loves his life ardently and takes helping others as helping himself.That
enthusiasm and spirit had been obtained the great approval and praise from
the public.But,who is he?Ng Yiu Fai , Kenneth.
參考: me
2012-12-21 2:28 am
Kenneth Ng Yiu Fai, his enthusiasm for life and spirit of self-reliance,
was widely accepted and praised by the community.
2012-12-19 1:28 am
Ng Yiu Fai, enthusiasm for life and the spirit of self-reliance, and widely accepted by the community and recognition.
參考: 我

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