What is in the author's mind

2012-12-14 8:42 am
I like the songs of these girl-singer groups, Super Gear, As One, Super Girls, less the vocal part.

What does the author want to say by the above sentence?

回答 (3)

2012-12-14 11:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The author like the girls but does not like their singing....less the vocal part即是刪去「唱」的部份...意思是他只喜歡她們的跳無舞服裝美腿靚樣身材甚至音樂。
2012-12-16 12:47 pm
There is some ambiguity in the sentence because songs are musical pieces written with lyrics for singing. The author actually does not like the singing and the lyrics of the songs of these groups. What are left are only the music compositions and the instrumental performances of them.
2012-12-14 7:33 pm
-----The author is telling people these girl-singer groups are poor in vocal music, but are good in other vocal organs which are exciting, charming, and lovely;ie;pop dance.

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