A question about 'had"

2012-12-14 8:34 am
The news that they had got married was a blot from the blue.
then the sentence blew i wrote
the news that they got married was a blot from the blue.

pls explain me with Chinese illustrations.

is that about the " reported speech"

you said" they have got married" so
the new you said that they had got married was a blot from the blue?

pls take notice : blew is not correct for above question, the correct word is below


the news replaces the new

回答 (3)

2012-12-14 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
---The Chinese Illustrations on a question about "had"---
The news that they got married was a bolt (not below,) from the blue.The idiom a bolt from the blue means an event or a piece of news which is sudden, unexpected, surprised, eg;-Their marriage came as a bolt from the blue.
The reported speech (also indirect speech) (grammar) is a report of what somebody has said that does not use their exact words:-
eg:-The news that they got married was a bolt (not below) from the blue.
In reported speech past becomes past perfect tense:-
Hence got married becomes had got married (not have got married.)
eg:-The news that they had got married was a bolt from the blue.
eg:-The news (singular.) replaces the new.

2012-12-14 17:46:03 補充:
the past perfect tense=the pluperfect (grammar) is the form of a verb that expresses an action completed before a particular point in the past, formed in English with had and the past participle:-eg had got.---The news that they had got married was a bolt from the blue.
2012-12-14 8:29 pm
The news that they had got married was a bolt from the blue.

1. 這句子中的 “news” 是名詞指新聞,不可以改為 "new" 。
2. 這句子並非 reported speech.
3. had got 是 Past Perfect Tense,(had + past participle)

Past Perfect Tense 和 Past Tense 同時出現時,可以指—兩件在過往發生的事, 用 Past Perfect Tense 的那件事先發生,用 Past Tense 的那件事後發出。
2012-12-14 8:44 am
a bolt from the blue, not a blot

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