2012-12-13 7:43 am
相關問題: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20121211000050KK00368

LESS MEANS a smaller amount (of); not so much, or to a smaller degree. (Adj) (adv) Example: This lunch set is less salty, which means healthier. (Adv) I want to have a LESS sugary drink. (Does it mean MINUS????) I need a sugarless drink, please. (THIS MEANS NO SUGAR.) LESS this adjective uses it for UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS. Sugar is uncountable, so LESS is an adjective NOT A PREPOSITION, definitely. BUT: I like the songs of these girl-singer groups, Super Gear, As One, Super Girls, less their vocal part. (Your example) Here, the less is a preposition, which means minus. Don't get confused! LESS OR FEW? Example: I have few bottles of wine. You won’t say: I have LESS bottles of wine. FEW and LESS are quantifier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we talk about secondary predicate. I like a black coffee. I like my coffee black. The two sentences have difference in meaning. I sell these items new. I sell new items. Can you tell me the difference? I can tell you there is difference. Figure it out yourself, and your sentence isn’t perfect according to your state of mind! Enough for you dude! Fix your deadly English plsssssssssssssssssss!

回答 (2)

2012-12-15 6:52 am
Very interesting thought! But do you know your so-called example is wrong? Another post is especially for you to enjoy!
2012-12-13 8:07 am
Everything you said, I already know. And I have shown them in my answer. I don't see anything you wrote that rebukes my answer.

2012-12-13 12:24:04 補充:
On the girl-singer sentence, why do you think I am confused and not write it that way on purpose? It is apparent from your comment that you are a boring, humorless person.

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