LESS MEANS a smaller amount (of); not so much, or to a smaller degree. (Adj) (adv) Example: This lunch set is less salty, which means healthier. (Adv) I want to have a LESS sugary drink. (Does it mean MINUS????) I need a sugarless drink, please. (THIS MEANS NO SUGAR.) LESS this adjective uses it for UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS. Sugar is uncountable, so LESS is an adjective NOT A PREPOSITION, definitely. BUT: I like the songs of these girl-singer groups, Super Gear, As One, Super Girls, less their vocal part. (Your example) Here, the less is a preposition, which means minus. Don't get confused! LESS OR FEW? Example: I have few bottles of wine. You won’t say: I have LESS bottles of wine. FEW and LESS are quantifier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we talk about secondary predicate. I like a black coffee. I like my coffee black. The two sentences have difference in meaning. I sell these items new. I sell new items. Can you tell me the difference? I can tell you there is difference. Figure it out yourself, and your sentence isn’t perfect according to your state of mind! Enough for you dude! Fix your deadly English plsssssssssssssssssss!