
2012-12-11 1:51 pm
"Not a minute goes by that we don't think about the family and what they are going through, and the thought we may have played a part is gut-wrenching."

and the thought we may have played a part is gut-wrenching."

回答 (6)

2012-12-13 7:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
要正確翻譯 the thought we may have played a part is gut-wrenching 這分句就必須解決其中的一個文法問題,

the thought we may have played a part is gut-wrenching 實際是
the thought that we may have played a part is gut-wrenching

錯誤出在 the thought 在 we may have played a part 這關係從句中不是 subject,又不是 object,因為主詞是 we,受詞是 a part,那麼 the thought 就不是關係代名詞(relative pronoun) 而必定是副詞,這分句是正確寫法可以有多個可能,就整句來看最可能是作以下修改。

the thought we may have played a part in is gut-wrenching

the thought in which we may have played a part is gut-wrenching



答案002似乎忽略了句子是雙否定式(double negative),實質意思是沒有一分鐘不在想,即每分鐘都在想著。

2012-12-13 12:20:31 補充:


2012-12-14 13:06:06 補充:


the thought we may have played a part in making is gut-wrenching

the thought 是關係從句中 making 的受詞

2012-12-14 13:08:27 補充:


2012-12-18 01:01:34 補充:
eicachan's comment has reminded me that "the thought we may have played a part" is not a relative clause.

The thought is "we may have played a part". It is a noun clause.

eicachan's interpretation is correct.

2012-12-21 00:43:01 補充:
The expression would be clearer if stated this way:

the thought we may have played a part in the tragedy/incident is gut-wrenching
2012-12-16 2:42 pm
Not a minute goes by that we don't think about the family and what they are going through, 吾等無間思念該家庭和彼等正經歷之事情,
and the thought we may have played a part is gut-wrenching
2012-12-14 11:32 am
"Not a minute goes by that we don't think about the family and what they are going through, and the thought we may have played a part is gut-wrenching."

參考: me
2012-12-13 7:16 pm
garlic的推理是正確,句子就是漏了一個"in", 請看以下的資料

"There's not a minute that goes by where we don't think about her family and what they must be going through," a tearful Greig said Monday on the Australian TV show A Current Affair.
2012-12-13 8:46 am
謝謝 garlic2010 的指正,昨為答案002原本的回答者,由於這回答已犯了無法更正的錯誤,所以唯有移除這個回答。

非常謝謝 garlic2010 的指正,另外,負責其他網友的期望,實在對不起了。
2012-12-12 3:51 am


2012-12-11 19:52:59 補充:

2012-12-11 20:02:26 補充:

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