《評論》一個字 3句grammar用法

2012-12-09 4:59 am
相關問題: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20121202000051KK00107

I am disappointed with the result of the competition I feel disappointed with the result of the competition I have disappointed with the result of the competition 三句我都好似見過 但係邊句先岩? 同咪詳細意思有冇唔同? Garlic2010's so-called "five-star" comment: The first two sentences are correct but the third one is not. Disappoint is a transitive verb. When used in an active voice, disappoint takes an object. Example: The movie has disappointed us. Disappoint is also an intransitive verb, as in the following example. His latest novel does not disappoint. ===================================================== Here is another piece of “LANGUAGE ART”, brought you by Garlic2010. Five-star answer, shame!!! If the third sentence is wrong, “the movie has disappointed us” this so-called example is definitely wrong! No wonder, the third sentence is wrong because the sentence doesn't make sense! A MOVIE CAN’T DISAPPOINT US! A NOVEL CAN’T DISAPPOINT US! The movie has disappointed us. (A movie is dead, so why do you use present perfect tense? Are you nuts?) His latest novel doesn't disappoint. (Can a novel do anything that you don't like???)(TWO crazy sentences!!!) But you can say: The movie is very disappointing. (Adjective) The recent novel that he wrote is quite boring. (Adjective) The new passed law disappointed the old citizens who seek government supports for years. (Verb)(NOT THE MOVIE OR NOVEL) Her husband's behavior disappointed her! (Verb) Refer back to the question: I am disappointed at the movie. Or I feel disappointed at the move. BOTH HAVE THE SAME MEANING!

回答 (2)

2012-12-11 8:47 am
OMG, what a plagiarist you are! Don’t you shame that you put someone’s work as your own comment? Let me ask you these questions:

Can a mango disappoint you?

Can an avocado disappoint you?

Can your pet disappoint you?

2012-12-11 00:48:57 補充:
Why a law or a husband’s behavior can disappoint someone? You have to find it out yourself! There’s no free lesson as you said.

What’s more? It isn’t that natural if you’ve to put disappoint as an intransitive verb, and it’s also hard to apply in writing!

2012-12-11 00:50:59 補充:
You’re not of the class. It’s chinglish! (I understand what you mean in Chinese.)

I think you misinterpreted this prepositional phrase “of the class” How’d you interpret this: “it’s not of your business”?

Anyway, you are no match with me as always! Poor dumb!
2012-12-09 9:41 am
Go argue with the editors of Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.


2012-12-09 01:44:33 補充:
How is a law different from a movie when it comes to disappointing the public and the viewers?

2012-12-09 01:46:57 補充:
Why can a husband's behaviour disappoint the wife and a novel cannot disappoint its readers?

2012-12-09 01:47:37 補充:
I bet you don't know that disappoint can be an intransitive verb.

2012-12-09 01:49:00 補充:
I won't write anymore because you are not of the class, and you will never be.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:31:53
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