Boycott of Japanese Goods

2012-11-07 6:20 pm
Boycott of Japanese Goods It is known world-wide that the boycott of Japanese goods in China has struck a hard-blow to the Japanese economy, although Japan may deny it though. In fact it is a show of economic power between the two nations who are in dispute over the ownership of the Diaoyu Island . You may disagree with me but I strongly believe that the success of the boycott is largely because of an angry patriot, in a demonstration in Shen Zhen, who pulled out the driver of a Japanese car on the road and hit him so badly that he was unconscious on the scene and was sent to hospital in critical condition. The angry patriot was arrested and charged with serious assault later. He is in prison now.Millions of Chinese, including those Japanese car owners, watched the scene on TV and were astounded by it. Many then condemned that it was a brutal and unlawful act of the angry patriot. Some accused him as an unruly mob. However, from my point of view as a compatriot, I regard him as a real patriot. If there had not been a case like that, there would have been more and more Chinese buying Japanese cars and other consumer goods and the boycott against Japanese goods would not have been successful. Still I believe there are a small number of Chinese on the mainland buying Japanese cars and consumer goods these days. Fearing that they might be the next victims, many potential Japanese car buyers have bought cars made in Germany or other parts of the world instead of Japanese ones.Last but not least, I feel ashamed to say that many Hong Kong people are pleased not to be involved in the dispute and they are still buying lots of Japanese cars and consumer goods every day, helping the Japanese armies buy weapons to be used against the Chinese in the near future. The boycott desperately needs your support if you consider yourself Chinese.

回答 (2)

2012-11-09 11:55 pm
It is unfortunate that the authur would associate the noble act of patriotism with the barbaric act of beating up an innocent person. The boycott against Japanese goods requires personal sacrifices, whereas bullying the weak is a cowardly act, let alone being illigal, by any standard.
2012-11-08 8:40 am
"helping the Japanese armies buy weapons to be used against the Chinese in the near future"

It is sheer unfounded speculation.

2012-11-08 00:44:57 補充:
That angry guy broke the law and deserved to be imprisoned.

The Chinese demonstrators who destroyed Japanese style restaurants and Japanese cars owned by Chinese are either stupid or ill-intentioned.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:32:09
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