時事觸角英文 (20點)

2012-11-04 6:20 am
時事觸角英文 is.....?

hmm.... reference of definition of it: http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7010082501920 But i need the english word though >.>

回答 (4)

2012-11-04 8:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
sense of current affairs
sensitivity to current affairs
2012-11-04 4:24 pm
I think touch is more about the ability to do something (a sport, an art...) and less about knowledge about something (except the phrase 'be in touch with ...'; most Google results for "touch for current affairs" are in the phrase "in touch with current affairs")
2012-11-04 1:04 pm
時事current affairs
觸覺touch/sense of touch
時事觸覺touch for current affairs
你沒有時事觸覺You haven't got the touch for current affairs

2012-11-08 17:22:41 補充:
"Sense of touch for current affairs" ,which gives the full meaning of 時事觸覺, may be a better translation than just "touch for current affairs"..
2012-11-04 6:55 am
Any news on the news-worthy?
It means interesting and important enough to be reported as news.

2012-11-04 00:26:27 補充:
To deduct 50 from my marks.

2012-11-04 01:13:02 補充:
latest headline!

2012-11-05 17:56:08 補充:
sense of current affairs to be press released.
current affairs---------
current events--------
current news sense.

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