
2012-10-22 11:12 pm
問題:Does your book teach any morals? Explain the mistakes that characters make and how one learn from their reading experience.

最唔明係:how one learn from their reading experience.

回答 (4)

2012-10-23 12:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
你的課本(書)有沒有教道德呢?請解釋(書中)各個人物角色所犯的(多個)錯處並且解釋你如何從他們的閱讀經驗取得學習。 其實how one learn中的one是泛指「任何人」,是從設問題的人的角度指問任何一個讀這問題的人,所以意思是指「你」。當然照字面解你可以回答「乜水」(或用我們)會學到甚麼,但正確的理解應該是討論有甚麼是你(I) learn from them. 另外不太肯定這問題寫得對。因為their reading experience以這句寫法是指書中的那些人物的讀書行為,但看來問題意思是否想問你閱讀這書時的體會或學到的。由於我沒有那本書和不知當中內容,所以只能按字面譯。但如果用one一定是以單數計的,所以如果是問要答的人,便用用how one learn his/her lesson的寫法。
2012-10-23 4:48 am
How one learns from one's reading (in classroom.)
OR reading for pleasure,for interpretation,for remarks outside classroom.

2012-10-22 21:13:19 補充:
"they" as singular in no.?
2012-10-23 3:07 am

我想請問如果用 "how ones learn from their reading experience" 會有甚麼分別呢?會不會不切合原句的內容呢?

2012-10-23 1:02 am
how one learn from their reading experience

The use of their is what is known as singular they, the use of they and its various forms to refer to a person with no gender specified. Although debate continues on its use, it has gained widespread acceptance in everyday English.

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